Volker Wieland and Kronberger Kreis support tax reductions for companies ("Die Welt")

The members of the so-called Kronberger Kreis have asked for corporate tax reductions in Germany. In their view, a reduction in coporate tax to 10 percent is adequate. Otherwise, Germany could carry the highest corporate tax burden in Europe within a couple of years and loose ground against countries such as the France, the United Kingdom or the United States, which implemented comprehensive tax reforms or announced tax cuts.

"Germany should follow France and lower the corporate tax burden to 25 percent", the economists Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold Wigger and Volker Wieland write in their study. However, a digital services tax is not advisable according to the Kronberger Kreis.


Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 65: "Unternehmensbesteuerung unter Wettbewerbsdruck"

Die Welt: "Der Steuer-Stillstand bedroht unseren Wohlstand"
Dow Jones: "Prominente Ökonomen fordern Senkung der Unternehmensteuern um 15 Milliarden"