Central Banking: Where are we headed?

Research Area: Monetary Policy, Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law
Researcher: Stefan Gerlach,
Patrick Honohan,
Athanasios Orphanides,
Helmut Siekmann,
Volker Wieland
Date: 1.2.2013

This study contains articles based on speeches at the symposium held in February 2012 in honor of Stefan Gerlach's contributions to the IMFS. It is edited by Helmut Siekmann and Volker Wieland.

Helmut Siekmann and Volker Wieland

Central Banking and Banking Supervision in the Euro Area

European Monetary and Financial Union - What is needed in terms of Banking Supervision
Sabine Lautenschläger

Five Hopes and five fears about European Banking Union
Patrick Honohan

The History of Central Banks and the European Banking Union
Benoit Coeuré

Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and the Politics of EMU

The Politics of the Euro Area Crisis and ECB Monetary Policy
Athanasios Orphanides

The Resolution of the Euro and Sovereign Debt Crisis: Three Scenarios
Michael Burda

Concluding Remarks
Stefan Gerlach

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