- Policy Rules and the Inflation Surge: The Case of the ECB, Co-author Balint Tatar, CEPR Discussion Paper 19521 (PDF)
- Riskiert die EZB eine zweite Inflationswelle?, Webinar der Stiftung Marktwirtschaft (PDF)
- Schriftliche Stellungnahme zur schriftlichen Anhörung im Finanzausschuss des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landtags zur Schuldenbremse (PDF)
- Taylor Rules and the Inflation Surge: The Case of the Fed, Co-author Balint Tatar, IMFS Working Paper No. 201 (PDF)
- The Taylor Rule at Thirty: Still Useful to Get the Fed Back on Track, in: Michael D. Bordo, John H. Cochrane, John B. Taylor: "Getting Monetary Policy Back on Track, Hoover Institution Press
- Leitzinserhöhung der EZB - kein Grund zur Entwarnung, Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Heft 10, S. 654-655
- "Die Macht der EZB ist enorm - Ein Gespräch über Inflation und Geldpolitik, Staatsfinanzen, makroökönomische Modelle und den Sachverständigenrat (The ECB's power is enormous - A discussion about inflation and monetary policy, public finances, macroeconomic models and the German Council of Economic Experts), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik (PWP), Volume 24, Issue 3, p. 305-317
- Discussion of "policy packages and policy space: Lessons from COVID-19" by Bergant and Forbes, European Economic Review, Vol. 158, September 2023
- Government bond rates and interest expenditure of large euro member states: A scenario analysis, Co-authors: Veronika Grimm, Lukas Nöh, International Finance, Vol 26, Issue 3, p. 286-303. Data and software.
- Discussion of the burst of high inflation in 2021-22, in: Michael D. Bordo, John H. Cochrane, and John B. Taylor (eds.): How Monetary Policy Got Behind the Curve - and How to Get Back, Hoover Institution Press (page 227), March 2023
- Konjunkturzyklen in Deutschland - die Datierung durch den Sachverständigenrat, Co-authors Sebastian Breuer, Steffen Elstner, Florian Kirsch, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
- Government bond rates and interest expenditures of large euro area member states: A scenario analysis, Co-authors Veronika Grimm, Lukas Nöh, IMFS Working Paper 171 (PDF)
- A potential sudden stop of energy imports from Russia: Effects on energy security and economic output in Germany and the EU, German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors Veronika Grimm, Monika Schnitzer, Achim Truger, GCEE Working Paper 1/2022, IMFS Working Paper 166 (PDF)
- Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and energy prices drastically worsen the economic outlook, March 2022, German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors Veronika Grimm, Monika Schnitzer, Achim Truger (PDF)
- Overview of how major economies have responded to the Covid-19 pandemic - Growth trajectories, debt sustainability, best practices, Economic Governance Support Unit (EGOV), Requested by the ECON committee of the European Parliament, February 2022 (PDF)
- Shaping the Transformation: Education, Digitalization and Sustainability, Annual Report 2021/22 of the German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors Veronika Grimm, Monika Schnitzer, Achim Truger (PDF and Summaries)
- The German Federal Constitutional Court Ruling and the European Central Bank's Strategy, Co-author: Lars P. Feld, Journal of Financial Regulation, July 2021
- The decline in euro area inflation and the choice of policy strategy, IMFS Working Paper 159 (PDF, 238 KB)
- Konjunkturprognose 2021 und 2022 des Sachverständigenrats zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (Economic Outlook 2021 and 2022), co-authors Veronika Grimm, Monika Schnitzer, Achim Truger, March 2021 (PDF)
- Corona-Krise gemeinsam bewältigen, Resilienz und Wachstum stärken, Jahresgutachten 2020/21 (Overcoming the Coronavirus Crisis Together, Strengthening Resilience and Growth, Annual Report 2020/21) , Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Veronika Grimm, Monika Schnitzer, Achim Truger, November 2020, PDF in German I PDF in English
- The German Federal Constitutional Court Ruling and the European Central Bank's Strategy, Co-author: Lars P. Feld, IMFS Working Paper 145, October 2020 (PDF)
- Die Bewältigung des Corona-Schocks (Overcoming the coronavirus shock), Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Wolf Heinrich Reuter, July 2020, PDF in German
- Konjunkturprognose 2020 und 2021 des Sachverständigenrats zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (Economic Outlook 2020 and 2021 of the German Council of Economic Experts), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Veronika Grimm, Monika Schnitzer, Achim Truger, June 2020, PDF in German I PDF in English
- Evaluating Rules in the Fed's Report and Measuring Discretion, co-authors John H. Cochrane, John B. Taylor, in: John H. Cochrane and John B. Taylor (eds.), Strategies for Monetary Policy, Hoover Institution Press, May 2020
- The Ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court concerning the Public Sector Purchase Program, Co-author: Helmut Siekmann, IMFS Working Paper 140, May 2020 (PDF)
- Verfahren zum Anleihekaufprogramm der EZB, IMFS Working Paper 139, May 2020 (PDF)
- Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Lage angesichts der Corona-Pandemie (The Economic Outlook in the Coronavirus Pandemic, Special Report), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Achim Truger, March 2020, PDF in German I PDF in English
- Den Strukturwandel meistern, Jahresgutachten 2019/20 (Dealing with Structural Change, Annual Report 2019/20), German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors: Christoph Schmidt, Lars P. Feld, Isabel Schnabel and Achim Truger, November 2019, PDF in German l PDF in English
- Aufbruch zu einer neuen Klimapolitik, Sondergutachten (Setting out for a New Climate Policy, Special Report), German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors: Christoph Schmidt, Lars P. Feld, Isabel Schnabel and Achim Truger, July 2019, PDF in German l PDF in English
- Vor wichtigen wirtschaftspolitischen Weichensetzungen, Jahresgutachten 2018/19 (Setting the Right Course for Economic Policy, Annual Report 2018/19), German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors: Christoph Schmidt, Peter Bofinger, Isabel Schnabel and Lars P. Feld, November 2018, PDF in German | PDF in English
- The Natural Rate and Its Role in Monetary Policy, in Michael D. Bordo, John C. Cochrane and Amit Seru (eds.), The Structural Foundations of Monetary Policy, Hoover Institution Press, March 2018
- Für eine zukunftsorientierte Wirtschaftspolitik, Jahresgutachten 2017/18 (Towards a Forward-Looking Economic Policy, Annual Report 2017/18), German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors: Christoph Schmidt, Peter Bofinger, Isabel Schnabel and Lars P. Feld, November 2017, PDF in German l PDF in English
- Lower for longer: The case of the ECB, Co-author: Tilman Bletzinger, Economics Letters, Volume 159, 123-127, October 2017 Download: Working Paper
- Weckruf für die deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik (Wake-up call for the German economic policy), Co-Authors: Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold U. Wigger, Krongerger Kreis Studie Nr. 64, September 2017 l PDF
- Quantitative Easing in the Euro Area: Its Record and Future Prospects, edited with Guenter Beck, IMFS Interdisciplinary Studies 2017/1, Frankfurt, September 2017 l PDF
- How to Normalize Monetary Policy in the Euro Area, Co-author: Guenter Beck, IMFS Working Paper Series No. 115, September 2017 l PDF
- Neue Diskriminierungsverbote für die digitale Welt? (New bans on discrimination in the digital world?), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold U. Wigger, Krongerger Kreis Studie Nr. 63, August 2017 l PDF
- Die Balance zwischen Eigenverantwortung und gemeinschaftlichem Handeln für ein starkes Europa (The balance between national responsibility and joint action for a strong Europe), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Christoph M. Schmidt, Isabel Schnabel, July 2017, Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik
- Negativzinsen: Geldpolitik oder Gleichgewichtszins? (Negative interest rates: Monetary policy or euqilibrium interest rate?) in: Monetary Economic Issues today. Festschrift in honor of Ernst Baltensperger, Orell Füssli, June 2017
- R-Star and the Draghi rules: Correcly measuring the equilibrium interest rate for policy use, Co-author: Henrike Michaelis, VoxEU, May 2017
- Model Uncertainty in Macroeconomics: On the Implications of Financial Frictions, Co-authors: Michael Binder, Philipp Lieberknecht, Jorge Quintana, CEPR Discussion Paper 12013 l April 2017 l Download: Working Paper
- Robust Macro-Prudential and Regulatory Policies under Model Uncertainty, Co-authors: Michael Binder, Philipp Lieberknecht, Jorge Quintana, prepared for the project 'Integrated Macro-Financial Modelling for Robust Policy Design' (MACFINROBODS), Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), March 2017 l Download: Working Paper
- R-Star and the Yellen rules, Co-author: Henrike Michaelis, VoxEU, February 2017
- Policy Brief, Robust Monetary, Fiscal and Macroprudential Rules for the Euro Area, WP11, D11.6, March 2017 l PDF
- Risiken und Nebenwirkungen einer lang anhaltenden Niedrigzinspolitik (Risks and side-effects of a long-lasting low interest rate policy), in: Nullzinsen in Europa, Tagungsbericht der 5. Kadener Gespräche, February 2017 l Stiftung Marktwirtschaft l PDF
- New Methods for Macro-Financial Model Comparison and Policy Analysis, Co-authors: Elena Afanasyeva, Jinhyuk Yoo and Meguy Kuete, in John B. Taylor and Harald Uhlig (eds.), Handbook of Macroeconomics: Vol 2, North Holland/Elsevier, 2016 Download: Working Paper
- Zeit für Reformen, Jahresgutachten 2016/17 (Time for Reforms, Annual Report 2016/17), German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors: Christoph Schmidt, Peter Bofinger, Isabel Schnabel and Lars P. Feld, November 2016, PDF in German l PDF in English
- Fiscal Multipliers in Policy Focused Models with Financial Sector Risk, Co-authors: Michael Binder, Philipp Lieberknecht, prepared for the project 'Integrated Macro-Financial Modelling for Robust Policy Design' (MACFINROBODS), Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), October 2016 l Download: Working Paper
- Robust Monetary and Fiscal Policies under Model Uncertainty, Co-authors: Elena Afanasyeva, Michael Binder, Jorge Quintana, prepared for the project 'Integrated Macro-Financial Modelling for Robust Policy Design' (MACFINROBODS), Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), October 2016 l Download: Working Paper
- Für eine echte Reform der Bund-Länder-Finanzbeziehungen (For a real reform of financial relations between federal and state governments), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold U. Wigger, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 62, Berlin, 2016. PDF
- Einheit in Vielfalt: Wie es mit Europa weitergehen kann (Unity in diversity: How Europe can proceed), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Christoph M. Schmidt, Isabel Schnabel, Ökonomenstimme, July 2016.
- Creditor Participation Clauses: Making orderly sovereign debt restructuring feasible in the Eurozone, Co-authors: Jochen Andritzky, Lars P. Feld, Christoph M. Schmidt, Isabel Schnabel, VoxEU, July 2016.
- Finding the Equilibrium Real Interest Rate in a Fog of Policy Deviations, Co-author: John B. Taylor, Business Economics, 51 (3), July 2016. Download: Working Paper
- Creditor Participation Clauses: Making No Bail-Out Credible in the Euro Area, Co-authors: Jochen Andritzky, Lars P. Feld, Christoph M. Schmidt, Isabel Schnabel, in Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Joanna Gray, G. Mitu Gulati (eds.), Filling the Gaps in Governance: The Case of Europe, European University Institute, eBook, May 2016.
- Heterogeneous Information, Diverse Higher-Order Beliefs and Business Cycles: Propagation Mechanisms and Empirical Performance, Co-Authors: Michael Binder, Mátyás Gábor Farkas, prepared under the project 'Integrated Macro-Financial Modelling for Robust Policy Design' (MACFINROBODS), Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), April 2016 | Download: Working Paper
- Causes of the Eurozone Crisis: A nuanced view, Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Christoph M. Schmidt, Isabel Schnabel, March 2016. Link
- Maastricht 2.0: Safeguarding the future of the Eurzone, Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Christoph M. Schmidt, Isabel Schnabel, How to fix Europe's monetary union - Views of leading economists, Richard Baldwin and Francesco Giavazzi (eds.), 2016. Link
- Das entgrenzte Mandat der EZB – Das OMT-Urteil des EuGH und seine Folgen (Dismantling the Boundaries of the ECB’s Monetary Policy Mandate – The CJEU’s OMT Judgement and Its Consequences), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold U. Wigger, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 61, Berlin, 2016. PDF German version, PDF English version
- Keine Notwendigkeit einer Reform des Gesetzes zur Förderung der Stabilität und des Wachstums der Wirtschaft (No necessity for a reform of the Stability and Growth Law), Co-Authors: Henrike Michaelis, Steffen Elstner, Christoph Schmidt, Peter Bofinger, Lars P. Feld, Isabel Schnabel, Arbeitspapier 02/2015, German Council of Economic Experts, December 2015. PDF in German
- Zukunftsfähigkeit in den Mittelpunkt (Focus on Future Viability): Annual Economic Report 2015/16 of the German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors: Christoph Schmidt, Peter Bofinger, Isabel Schnabel and Lars P. Feld, November 2015. PDF German version, PDF English version
- Divergence of liability and control as the source of over-indebtedness and moral hazard in the European Monetary Union, Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Christoph M. Schmidt, Isabel Schnabel, The Eurozone Crisis: A Consensus View of the Causes and a Few Possible Solutions, Richard Baldwin and Francesco Giavazzi (eds.), September 2015. Link
- Europäische Integration klug vorantreiben (Wisely promoting European integration), Co-Authors: Lars P. Feld, Christoph Schmidt, Isabel Schnabel, Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 95 (9), September 2015. PDF German
- Konsequenzen aus der Griechenland-Krise für einen stabileren Euro-Raum (Consequences of the Greek crisis for a more stable euro area): special report of the German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors: Christoph Schmidt, Peter Bofinger, Isabel Schnabel and Lars P. Feld, July 2015. PDF German version, PDF English version
- Schätzung des mittelfristigen Gleichgewichtszinses in den Vereinigten Staaten, Deutschland und dem Euro-Raum mit der Laubach-Williams-Methode (Estimating the medium-term equilibrium real interest rate in the United States, Germany and the Euro Area with the Laubach-Williams method), Co-author: Robert C.M. Beyer, Arbeitspapier 03/2015, German Council of Economic Experts | Download: Working Paper
- Erbschaftsteuer: Neu ordnen statt nachbessern (Inheritance tax: rearranging instead of repairing), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold U. Wigger, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 60, Berlin, 2015. PDF German
- Für eine freie Preisbildung (For a free price formation), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold U. Wigger, Positionspapier 2015/4, Berlin, 2015. PDF German
- The ECB's Outright Monetary Transactions in the Courts edited with Helmut Siekmann and Vikrant Vig, IMFS Interdisciplinary Studies 2015/1, Frankfurt, January 2015. PDF English
- Mehr Vertrauen in Marktprozesse (More confidence in market processes): Annual Economic Report 2014/15 of the German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors: Christoph Schmidt, Peter Bofinger, Isabel Schnabel and Lars P. Feld, November 2014. PDF German, parts available in English
- The German Constitutional Court's decision on OMT: Have markets misunderstood?, Co-author: Helmut Siekmann, CEPR Policy Insight No. 74, Center of Economic Policy Research, London, October 2014. PDF English
- Europäische Bankenunion: Vom Prinzip Hoffnung zum Prinzip Haftung, (European Banking Union: From the principle of hope to the principle of accountability) Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold U. Wigger, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 59, Berlin, 2014. PDF German
- Is there a threat of self-reinforcing deflation in the euro area? A view through the lens of the Phillips curve, Co-author: Maik Wolters, Kiel Policy Brief No. 79, Kiel Institute of the World Economy, Kiel, 2014. Working Paper
- Neustart in der Energiepolitik jetzt! (A New Start in Energy Policy Now!), Co-authors Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Heike Schweitzer, Berthold U. Wigger, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 57, Berlin, 2014. PDF German
- Gegen eine rückwärtsgewandte Wirtschaftspolitik (Against a Backward-Looking Economic Policy): Annual Economic Report 2013/14 of the German Council of Economic Experts, Co-authors: Christoph Schmidt, Peter Bofinger, Claudia Buch and Lars P. Feld, November 2013. PDF German, parts available in English
- Low for How Long? Estimating the ECB's Extended Period of Time, Co-Author: Tilman Bletzinger, in Den Haan, Wouter (2013) (eds.), Forward Guidance: Perspectives from Central Bankers, Scholars and Market Participants, VoxEU eBook, October 2013. Link
- The Role of Tax Policy in Fiscal Consolidation: Insights from Macroeconomic Modelling, Co-author: Matthias Burgert, in, Savina Princen and Gilles Moure, "The role of tax policy in times of fiscal consolidation," Economic Papers 502, European Economy, European Commission, August 2013 | Download: Link
- Forecasting and Policy Making, Volker Wieland, Maik H. Wolters, Handbook of Economic Forecasting, Elliott Graham and Allan Timmermann (eds.), 2013. Link
- The European Central Bank's Outright Monetary Transactions and the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, Co-author: Helmut Siekmann, IMFS Working Paper Series No. 71, June 2013 | Download: Working Paper
- Renaissance der Angebotspolitik (Renaissance of Supply-Side Policy), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Clemens Fuest, Justus Haucap, Berthold U. Wigger, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 57, Berlin, 2013. PDF German
- Bildungsfinanzierung neugestalten (Reform of the Financing of Education), Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Justus Haucap, Berthold U. Wigger, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 56, Berlin, 2013. PDF German
- Model comparison and robustness: a proposal for policy analysis after the financial crisis, February 2013, in Robert M. Solow and Jean-Philippe Touffut (eds.), What's Right with Macroeconomics?, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar | Download: Working Paper
- Fiscal Consolidation Strategy, Co-authors: John F. Cogan, John B. Taylor, and Maik Wolters, February 2013, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 37, Issue 2: 404-421 | Download: Working Paper | Software
- Central Banking: Where are we headed? edited with Helmut Siekmann, IMFS Interdisciplinary Studies 2013/2, Frankfurt, February 2013. PDF English
- The ECB and Its Watchers 2012 edited with Helmut Siekmann, IMFS Interdisciplinary Studies 2013/1, Frankfurt, January 2013. PDF English
- Complexity and Monetary Policy, Co-author: Athanasios Orphanides, January 2013, International Journal of Central Banking, Vol. 9, Issue 1: 167-204 | Download: Working Paper
- The New Keynesian Approach to Dynamic General Equilibrium Modeling: Models, Methods and Macroeconomic Policy Evaluation, Sebastian Schmidt and Volker Wieland, Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling, Vol. 1B, 1439-1506, Peter B. Dixon and Dale W. Jorgenson (eds.), 2013.
- Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy: Reflections on the Development over the last 150 Years, Otmar Issing, Volker Wieland, Jahrbücher der Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Vol. 3, 423-445, 2013. Link
- A New Comparative Approach to Macroeconomic Modeling and Policy Analysis, Co-authors: Tobias Cwik, Gernot J. Müller, Sebastian Schmidt and Maik Wolters, August 2012, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation, Elsevier, Vol. 83, Issue 3: 523-541 | Download: Working Paper | Macro Model Data Base
- Next Hike End of 2014: FOMC Matches Historical Responses to Member's Forecasts and Risks Repeating Earlier Mistakes, House of Finance, White Paper No. 02, 2012. Download: Working Paper
- Surprising Comparative Properties of Monetary Models: Results from a New Monetary Model Base, Co-author: John B. Taylor, Review of Economics and Statistics August 2012, Vol. 94, No. 3: 800-816 | Download: Working Paper
- Wie viel Koordinierung braucht Europa? (How much Coordination does Europe Need?) Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Justus Haucap, Wernhard Möschel, Berthold U. Wigger, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 55, Berlin, 2012. PDF German
- Reform der Geldbußen im Kartellrecht überfällig (Reform of the Fining Practices in Competition Law) Co-authors: Lars P. Feld, Wernhard Möschel, Berthold U. Wigger, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 54, Berlin, 2012. PDF German
- Die Notenbanken und das liebe Geld, Forschung Frankfurt, S. 33-35, 2012. Link
- Asset Pricing under Rational Learning about Rare Disasters, Co-author: Christos Koulovatianos, IMFS Working Paper Series No. 46, August 2011 | Download: Working Paper
- Keynesian Government Spending Multipliers and Spillovers in the Euro Area, Co-author: Tobias Cwik, Economic Policy July 2011, Vol. 26, Issue 67: 493-549 | Download: Working Paper
- Systemstabilität für die Finanzmärkte (Systemic Stability of Financial Markets), Co-authors: Juergen B. Donges, Lars P. Feld, Wernhard Möschel, Manfred J. M. Neumann, Kronberger Kreis Studie Nr. 53, Berlin, 2011. PDF German
- Liquidity Management and the Reform of the International Monetary System, House of Finance White Paper No. 4, 2011. Paper based on contribution at the G20 High-Level Seminar on the International Monetary System in Nanjing, China on March 31, 2011 as a Lead Speaker in the Session on "Global liquidity management issues (including global financial safety nets and the role of the SDR)". PDF English
- The Diversity of Forecasts from Macroeconomic Models of the U.S. Economy, Co-author: Maik H. Wolters, Economic Theory May 2010, Vol. 47, No. 2-3: 247-292 | Download: Working Paper | Link
- Insurance Policies for Monetary Policy in the Euro Area, Co-author: Keith Kuester, Journal of the European Economic Association June 2010, Vol. 8, No. 4: 872-912. | Download: Final Version
- Fiscal stimulus and the promise of future spending cuts , International Journal of Central Banking March 2010, Vol. 6, No. 1. | Download: Final Version
- New Keynesian versus Old Keynesian Government Spending Multipliers, Co-authors: John F. Cogan, Tobias Cwik, John B. Taylor, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, March 2010, Vol. 34, 281-295 | Download: Final Version | Link | Software
- Quantitative Easing: A Rationale and some Evidence from Japan, Reichlin, Lucrezia and Kenneth West (eds.), NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2009, NBER and University of Chicago Press, 2010. | Download: Final Version
- Money in Monetary Policy Design: Monetary Cross-Checking in the New-Keynesian Model, with Guenther W. Beck, V. Wieland (ed.), The Science and Practice of Monetary Policy Today, Springer Science, December 2009. | Download: Final Version
- The Science and Practice of Monetary Policy Today, Wieland, V. (ed), Springer Science, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-642-02952-3. | Link: web page | Download: Books flyer
- Mean Variance Optimization of Non-Linear Systems and Worst-Case Analysis, Co-authors: Panos Parpas, Berc Rustem and Stan Zakovic, /Computational Optimization and Applications/ 43 (2), 2009. | Download: Final version
- Learning, Endogenous Indexation and Disinflation in the New-Keynesian Model, in, Walsh, Carl and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel (eds.) Monetary Policy under Uncertainty and Learning, Volume XIII, Central Banking Series, 2009, Central Bank of Chile, Santiago, Chile. | Download: PDF-File
- Aprendizaje, Indexación Endógena y Desinflación en El Modelo Neo-Keynesiano, Eonomía Chilena, Volumen 11 - N°3 / Diciembre 2008 | Download: PDF-File
- Central Bank Misperceptions and the Role of Money in Interest Rate Rules, Co-author: Guenther W. Beck, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 55 (1), November 2008. | Download: Final Version | Link | Software
- Economic Projections and Rules-of-Thumb for Monetary Policy, Co-author: Athanasios Orphanides, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, July/August 2008, 90 (4), pp. 307-24. | Download: Article | Software
- Fiscal Action versus Monetary Stimulus: A Faulty Comparison, SIEPR Policy Brief, February 2008, | Download: PDF-File
- The European Central Bank, Co-author: Michael Binder, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008, Second Edition, S.N. Durlauf und L.E. Blume (eds), London: Macmillan | Download: PDF-File
- Money in Monetary Policy Design: A Formal Characterization of ECB-Style Cross-Checking, Co-author: Guenter W. Beck, Journal of the European Economic Association, April-May 2007, Vol 5, No 2-3. | Download: Revised Version
- Stochastic Optimization and Worst-Case Analysis in Monetary Policy Design, Co-authors: Berc Rustem and Stan Zakovic, Computational Economics, 2007, 30:329-347. | Download
- A Quantitative Exploration of the Opportunistic Approach to Disinflation, Co-authors: Yunus Aksoy, Athanasios Orphanides, David Small and David Wilcox, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 53 (8), November 2006, pp. 1877-1893. | Download: Revised Version
- Comment on 'Trade Spill-Overs of fiscal policy in the European Union: A Panel Analysis' by Roel Beetsma, Massimo Giuliodori, Franc Klaasen, Economic Policy, 48, October 2006 | Download
- Monetary Policy and Uncertainty about the Natural Unemployment Rate: Brainard-Style Conservatism versus Experimental Activism , Advances in Macroeconomics : Vol. 6: No. 1, Article 1. http://www.bepress.com/bejm/advances/vol6/iss1/art1 | Download: FEDS Working Paper 1998-22 | Revised Version
- Comment on 'Certainty Equivalence and Model Uncertainty', by Lars Hansen and Thomas Sargent, in: Orpahnides, Reifschneider, Faust (eds), Models and Monetary Policy: Research in the Tradition of Dale Henderson, Richard Porter and Peter Tinsley, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2005. | Download
- A Small Estimated Euro Area Model with Rational Expectations and Nominal Rigidities, Co-author: Guenter Coenen, European Economic Review, Vol. 49 (5), July 2005, pp. 1081-1104. | Download: ECB Working Paper 30 | Revised Version: CEPR Discussion Paper 3574 | Software
- Data Uncertainty and the Role of Money as an Information Variable for Monetary Policy, Co-authors: Guenter Coenen and Andrew Levin, European Economic Review, Vol. 49 (4), May 2005, pp. 975-1006. | Download: Revised Version
- On the Relationship between Monetary Policy and the Transmission Mechanism, in Deville et al., (eds.), Issues on Monetary Theory and Policy - Proceedings of a Colloquium in Honor of Wolfgang Gebauer, 2005, Bankakademieverlag, Frankfurt.
- Exchange Rate Policy and the Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates, Co-author: Guenter Coenen, American Economic Review, Vol. 94 (2), May 2004. | Download: ECB Working Paper 350
- Price Stability and Monetary Policy Effectiveness when Nominal Interest Rates are Bounded at Zero, Co-authors: Guenter Coenen and Athanasios Orphanides, Berkeley Electronic Press: Advances in Macroeconomics, Vol.4 (1), January 2004. | Download: Revised Version
- The Zero-Interest Rate Bound and the Role of the Exchange Rate for Monetary Policy in Japan, Co-author: Guenter Coenen, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 50 (5), July 2003, pp. 1071-1101. | Download: Revised Version
- The Performance of Forecast-Based Monetary Policy Rules under Model Uncertainty, Co-authors: Andrew Levin and John C. Williams, American Economic Review, Vol. 93 (3), June 2003, pp. 622-645. | Download: ECB Working Paper 68 | Revised Version
- Inflation Dynamics and International Linkages: A Model of the United States, the Euro Area and Japan , Co-author: Guenter Coenen, ECB Working Paper Series 181, September 2002. | Download: ECB Working Paper 181
- Learning and Control in a Changing Economic Environment, Co-author: Guenter Beck, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 26 (9-10), August 2002. | Download: Final Version 2002 | Software
- A Continuous Minimax Problem and its Application to Inflation Targeting , Co-authors: Berc Rustem and Stanislav Zakovic, Georges Zaccour (ed.), Decision and Control in Management Science, Kluwer, 2002.
- NAIRU Uncertainty and Nonlinear Policy Rules, Co-authors: Laurence H. Meyer and Eric T. Swanson, American Economic Review, Vol. 91 (2); May 2001. | Download: FEDS Working Paper 2001-1
- Efficient Monetary Policy Design Near Price Stability, Co-author: Athanasios Orphanides, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 14, December 2000, pp. 327-365. | Download: FEDS Working Paper 1999-67
- Monetary Policy, Parameter Uncertainty and Optimal Learning, Journal of Monetary Economics, August 2000. | Download: ZEI Working Paper 1999-09
- Inflation Zone Targeting, Co-author: Athanasios Orphanides, European Economic Review, Vol. 44 (7), June 2000, pp. 1351-1387. | Download: ECB Working Paper 8 | Software
- Learning by Doing and the Value of optimal Experimentation, Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, Vol. 24 (4), April 2000. | Download: Final Version
- Interest-Rate Smoothing and Optimal Monetary Policy: A Review of Recent Empirical Evidence, Co-author: Brian Sack, Journal of Economics and Business, January 2000. | Download: FEDS Working Paper
- Computational Methods and Economic Dynamics Introduction, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control , Vol. 23 (9-10), September 1999.
- Robustness of Simple Monetary Policy Rules under Model Uncertainty, John B. Taylor, (ed.), Monetary Policy Rules , NBER and Chicago Press, (Co-authors: Andrew Levin and John Williams), June 1999. | Download: NBER Working Paper 6570 | FEDS Working Paper Version
- Monetary Policy Under Federal Reserve Chairman Volcker and Greenspan: An Exercise in Description, with Athanasios Orphanides and David Lindsey, Manuscript, March 1997. | Download: Working Paper
- Monetary Policy Targets and the Stabilization Objective: a Source of Tension in the EMS, Journal of International Money and Finance, February 1996. | Download: Final Version
- Exchange Restrictions in Developing Countries: Classification, Measurement and Use as a Policy Instrument, prepared for the Surveillance Policy Division of the International Monetary Fund, September 1993.
- Forward Rates and Spot Rates in the EMS - Forward Market Efficiency, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, December 1990. | Download: Final Version