Frühere Lehre / Past Teaching

Wintersemester 2011/2012

Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Theory and Practice
(Prof. Wieland) 

2nd year Ph. D. course.
Tuesdays: 10-12 a.m. Room Sydney (HoF 3.45)
Thursdays: 10-12 a.m. Room Chicago (HoF 3.36)
First lecture: October 20 (10-12 a.m., Room Chicago).
Note: Introduction to Model Base on November 17.

Course syllabus can be downloaded here

Sommersemester 2011

Learning in Macroeconomics
(Prof. Wieland)

2nd year Ph. D. course.  1st Meeting (Tue  12.04.11, 10:15 am HoF 2.45)

Topics in Macroeconomic Model Building
(Prof. Wieland)

2nd year Ph.D. seminar course. Introductory meeting on Thu. 21.04.11, 12 pm, room Toronto (HoF, 3rd floor).  To register for the introductory meeting, please send an email to:

seminar course announcement: here

International Trade and Development
(Prof. Werner)

Topics in Monetary Economics
(Prof. Werner)

Please see the information in WebCt

Wintersemester 2010/2011

Makroökonomie 1 (BMAK)
(Prof. Wieland)

Vorlesung mit Übung (6 SWS), Bachelor of Science

A New Comparative Approach to Model-Based Analysis of Macroeconomic Policy Making
(Prof. Wieland)

2nd year Ph.D. seminar course

Sommersemester 2010

Makroökonomie 1 (BMAK)
(Prof. Wieland)

Vorlesung mit Übung (6 SWS), Bachelor of Science

Topics in Macroeconomic Modelling
(Prof. Wieland)

2nd year Ph.D. seminar course

Wintersemester 2009/2010

Makroökonomie 1 (BMAK)
(Prof. Wieland)

Vorlesung mit Übung (6 SWS), Bachelor of Science

A New Comparative Approach to Macroeconomic Modelling and Policy Analysis
(Prof. Wieland)

2nd year Ph.D. seminar course

Sommersemester 2009

Professor Wieland bietet dieses Semester keine Veranstaltungen an. Eine Vertretung erfolgt durch Herrn Prof. Richard A. Werner, D.Phil. (Oxon).

Folgende Veranstaltungen werden durch die Professur angeboten:

Topics in Macroeconomics (WME:TOMA)
(Prof. Werner)

Lectures in English. This course is offered for third year Bachelor students; please visit WebCT for registration and further information. 16.04.2009 - 17.07.2009. Time and place: Thu. 16:00 - 19:00, HZ 8.

Topics in Monetary Economics
(Prof. Werner)

Lectures in English. This course is offered for third year Bachelor students; please visit WebCT for registration and further information. 15.04.2009 - 17.07.2009. Time and place:  Wed. 16:00 - 19:00, HoF - E.20 / DZ Bank. Exception: 27.05.2009 lecture takes place in HZ 14.

Wintersemester 2008/2009

Professor Wieland bietet dieses Semester keine Veranstaltungen an. Eine Vertretung erfolgt durch Herrn Sergey Slobodyan, Ph.D.

Folgende Veranstaltungen werden durch die Professur angeboten:

Advanced Macroeconomic Theory 1 Part 1 (AMA1:DGW8)

First part of AMA1, 14.10.2008-27.11.2008; See the course webpage for further information: Time and place:  Tuesday, Thursday 10:15 - 11:45, HoF 5 (no lecture on Tuesday 18.11.2008, make up class on the same day 16:00-17:30 in HoF 4 (DZ Bank))

Theoretical Foundations of Modern Monetary Policy

Lecture in English for third year B.Sc. or fourth year Diplom Students, also second year MSQE students professional track; See the course webpage for further information. Time and place: Monday 14:00 - 16:00, H 15; every odd week Wednesday 16:00 - 18:00, H 16

Indeterminacy and Learning in DSGE Models

Lecture in English for second year Ph.D. and MSQE students; See the course webpage for further information: Time and place:  Tuesday 14:15 - 15:45, HoF 1; Thursday 8:30-10:00, HoF 1

Sommersemester 2008

Folgende Veranstaltungen werden durch die Professur angeboten:

Topics in Monetary Economics

Ph.D. Program Field Course.  Date: July 17 and 18. Location: Goethe-Universität, House of Finance. See the syllabus for further information.

Economic Growth

Blockseminar for Students in Diplom/Spezialisierungsstudium: 30.06-04.07.08; Place: Burg Rothenfels; Vorbesprechung: 20.2.2008, 18:00 - 19:00 Uhr, Raum 120B

Numerical Methods and Dynamic Economics

Lecture in English for second year Ph.D. students; Time and place: 
Tuesday 12:00 - 14:00,  H A

Selected Topics in Money and Macroeconomics - Economic Growth

In English for Students in Diplom/Spezialisierungsstudium and Bachelor  (BSc 5); every second week Mo, 12:00 - 14:00 starting on April 7th, AfE 502, every week Wed: 12:00 - 14:00, H 7 starting on April 2nd!

Wintersemester 2007/2008

Professor Wieland bietet  wegen eines Forschungssemesters keine Veranstaltungen an.  Eine Vertretung erfolgt durch Herrn Christos Koulovatianos, Ph.D.

Makroökonomie 1 (BMAK)

V/UE ; Di 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr H IV ; Do 08:00 - 10:00 Uhr  ebenfalls H IV
Mentorium zu Makroökonomie findet statt ab dem 07.11.07 Mittwochs 14:00 - 16:00 und 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr in H1, H5, H9 und H13. course website

Advanced Macroeconomic Theory I – Part I  (AMA1: DGW8)

Monday 10:00-12:00 and Wednesday 08:00-10:00. Room 120B: course website

Ferner wird für Doktoranden angeboten:

Field Course (Ph.D.) : DSGE Models - Theory and Applications

This course is offered by Gernot Müller and Roland Straub. Start: Monday, October 15.  12 - 14 pm.  Georg Voigt Str. 14, Room 205

Sommersemester 2007

Advanced Macroeconomics 2 (Ph.D./MSQE)

Lectures take place Mondays 12:00pm - 2:00pm and Tuesdays 10:00am - 12:00pm in Room 120B; please note that this course takes place in the first half of the summer term, i.e. from April 16 to May 29, 2007. Syllabus here: pdf

Field Course (Ph.D.)

Further information here: pdf

Wintersemester 2006/2007

Bachelorstudium: Makroökonomie 1

Sommersemester 2006

Macroeconomis III

Ph.D. Program: Advanced Macroeconomis 1: Part 2

Seminar: Fiscal and Monetary Stabilization Policies: Theory, Evidence and Applications (Macroeconomic Models and Policy Analysis)

Wintersemester 2005/2006

Ph.D. Program: Advanced Macroeconomics 1: Part 1

Sommersemester 2005

Spezialisierungsstudium: Makroökonomie 3

Seminar: The Science of Monetary Policy

Course on Estimation, Solution and Policy Analyses using Equilibrium Monetary Models, by Lawrence Christiano (Northwestern University)

Wintersemester 2004/2005

Ph.D. Program: Advances Macroeconomics 1: Part 2

Sommersemester 2004

Graduiertenkolleg: Advanced Macroeconomics 1: Part 2

Spezialisierungsstudium: Makroökonomie 3

Sommersemester 2003

Spezialisierungsstudium: International Finance

Grundstudium: Makroökonomie 1

Sommersemester 2002

Spezialisierungsstudium: International Finance

Seminar: The Science of Monetary Policy

Wintersemester 2001/2002

Graduiertenkolleg: Advanced Macroeconomics

Grundstudium: Makroökonomie 1

Sommersemester 2001

Spezialisierungsstudium: International Finance

Wintersemester 2000/2001

Graduiertenkolleg: Advanced Macroeconomic


Der Lehrstuhl für Geldtheorie und -politik betreut theoretische und empirische Diplomarbeiten im Bereich der monetären Makroökonomie.

Beispiele in der Vergangenheit vergebener Diplomarbeiten:

  • Schätzung geldpolitischer Regeln mittels Real-Time Daten
  • Inflation-Zone Targeting under multiplicative Parameter-Uncertainty
  • Real-Time Daten in der makroökonomischen Analyse - Ein Beispiel
  • Markup and Technology Shocks in the New Keynesian Model: An Empirical Investigation using Euro-Area-Data
  • Assessing the New-Keynesian Phillips Curve: Evidence from Monte Carlo
  • Wechselkursregime in Schwellen und Transformationsländern
  • Heterogeneity in Monetary Policy Transmission - A VAR approach
  • Fiscal Policy in EMU