IMFS Fellows
With the position of IMFS Fellows, the IMFS aims to forge close relationships and collaboration with excellent researchers from other institutions and universities and with individuals with great experience in policy making institutions and the financial sector.
IMFS Research Fellows are excellent scholars from other universities and institutions who collaborate closely with one of the IMFS Professors. The IMFS offers its Research Fellows opportunities to get involved in IMFS research, policy advice and events and to make their own contributions to such IMFS activities. Each of the IMFS Chairs can appoint up to six Research Fellows for a period of three years each. IMFS Research Professors appoint Research Fellows subject to approval by the IMFS Executive Board. Reappointment is possible.
IMFS Distinguished Fellows are exceptional individuals with great experience in policy making institutions and the financial sector who have either already made outstanding contributions to the IMFS and its activities in research and policy advice. There can be up to ten IMFS Distinguished Fellows. They are nominated by the IMFS Managing Director and appointed by its Executive Board.