Postgraduate Education
Teaching at the IMFS focuses on post-graduate education and research transfer. The Institute provides tutoring for doctoral students and encourages promising undergraduate students to pursue academic work. Education at the Institute is enhanced by seminars and workshops involving the participation of non-academic professionals and guest lecturers.
Ph.D. Program "Law and Economics of Money and Finance"
Since autumn 2009, the post-graduate/Ph.D. program "Law and Economics of Money and Finance" has provided promising and highly qualified doctoral students with an opportunity to prepare a doctoral thesis with an emphasis on monetary economics, financial market economy as well as money, currency and central bank law in a challenging and supportive research environment. The IMFS faculty together with their colleagues from the faculties of law and economics and business administration of Goethe University won a nationwide competitive tender to set up this program.
The groundwork is laid in a series of two-year courses taught in English. The courses cover the basic content and methodology of both fields and deal with problem-oriented and practice-related questions. Five professors from each of the two faculties participate in the program. They act as mentors for each doctoral student and organize workshops, conferences and discussions in cooperation with nationally and internationally renowned scholars.
Students who have earned degrees either in law, economics, or business administration and who have an excellent knowledge of English are invited to apply for one of the five three-year scholarships which are awarded annually. In exceptional cases, applicants from other academic fields will also be considered.
More information about the program is provided here.