"A lot of things have piled up." Interview with Volker Wieland in "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung"

"The foundations throughout Germany are crumbling," says Volker Wieland in an interview with the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung." As co-chairman of the "Council for the Future of the Hessian Economy," which he heads together with Marie-Luise Wolff, CEO of energy supplier Entega AG, he advocates more pragmatic solutions, for example in infrastructure projects.

"The excessive German perfectionism is holding us back," Wieland said. Everyone is in favor of renewable energies, he said, but when it comes to expanding electricity and gas grids, "it shouldn't be in our neighborhood."

In its final report, the Future Council, which was set up by the state government, made suggestions to speed up procedures,by making them digital, by building up staff and, in some cases, by reducing the expectations for documents for approving projects, such as the expansion of wind power. The burden of excessive bureaucracy is seen by companies as one of the key obstacles that stand in the way of innovation and speed, Wieland said.

In the interview, Wieland calls for more political support for Frankfurt as a financial center "in order to survive in the tough international competition with other financial centers". It does not help, he said, to talk about Germany as a financial center, as sometimes happens in the federal government. "It is the financial center Frankfurt that at least has a chance to rank first on the continent," Wieland continued.

FAZ: "Es hat sich einiges aufgestaut"

News: "Future Council presents final report on strengthening the Hessian economy"