For Volker Wieland an accelerated vaccination process is decisive for economic development (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

In an interview the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung," Prof. Volker Wieland points out how major risks to economic development can be avoided despite a third Corona contagion wave. "For some time now, we have been observing a bifurcation of the development: industry is doing very well and is thus partly offsetting the negative effect of the sectors affected by the lockdown," Wieland said. That's why the decline in GDP in the first quarter was not so sharp, he added.


If, in the course of a third wave, measures were taken that also affected industrial production or led to closures there, as in the spring of 2020, this would result in a significant economic downturn. "This is a risk scenario, but one that I believe can be avoided".

Neue Zürcher Zeitung: "Wir müssen generalstabsmäßig die Impfungen vorantreiben"