For Volker Wieland ECB communication regarding inflation is too narrow (CNBC)

According to Prof. Volker Wieland, the European Central Bank (ECB) should take a broader look in its communication regarding inflation. "The ECB only talks about HICP when it comes to inflation," Wieland said in an interview with CNBC. In his view, a broader look at inflation would help.

"The ECB has already done a lot regarding inflation", Wieland added. Overall measures of inflation, such as the GDP deflator, have been going up. Therefore, according to Wieland, the risk of deflation is not that high. ECB communication regarding inflation is based on the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP).

Watch the full length interview here

CNBC (short version): "ECB's communication has been 'at fault' when it comes to inflation, professor says"