The MMB is an open archive, which helps users to analyze in various models at the same time the consequences of a cut or a rise in interest rates, a tax reform or a stimulus package. Models of the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund as well as the central banks of Sweden, Canada and Chile are already integrated on the platform. At the moment, more than 60 models are included. More than 6,800 economists worldwide have registered.
The chapter “Conversations with current and former IMFS researchers” shows researchers’ projects. Also, IMFS graduates illustrate how their tasks at the Library of Congress, Deutsche Bank, and the Banque the France build upon their work at the IMFS.
With the ECB’s Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) still pending before the Federal Consitutional Court the recent volume in the series IMFS Interdisciplinary Studies of Monetary and Financial Stability provided some insight regarding legal and economic questions while the European Court of Justice gave a carte blanche. Economic research by IMFS staff was published in renowned scientific journals like the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies and Economic Policy. During IMFS conferences, lectures and seminars, more than 1000 participants made use of the opportunity of gaining new insights on questions of monetary and financial stability.
The IMFS annual report 2015 is published in English and available for download (PDF, 6,26 MB). The “Conversations with current and former IMFS researchers” are available in the section “Testimonials of graduates” on our website