IMFS appoints Theodor Baums and Reinhard H. Schmidt as Distinguished Fellows

The Executive Board of the IMFS has appointed Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Theodor Baums and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhard H. Schmidt, honoring their contributions to the institute.

“We are looking forward to Prof. Baums and Prof. Schmidt being associated with the IMFS as Distinguished Fellows, recognizing their merits for the work of the institute”, Prof. Volker Wieland, Managing Director, said. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Julia Redenius-Hövermann, Assistant Professor of Civil and Company Law at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, will be involved at the IMFS as Research Fellow.

Prof. Baums has the Endowed Chair for Civil and Business Law at the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) at Goethe University, which he founded and where he now serves as a member of the management board. Among other things, he was chairman of the Government Commission on Corporate Governance and is currently a member of the German government commission on the Corporate Government Code. He has published more than 150 books and articles. Prof. Baums is a Founding Professor of the IMFS.

Prof. Schmidt is Seniorprofessor at the House of Finance at Goethe University, focusing on financial systems, development financing, and international firms and their strategy and structure. He is a member of the European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee and author and editor of 25 books and more than 70 contributions to compilations. Until his appointment as Distinguished Fellow Prof. Schmidt has been an Affiliated Professor and member of the Executive Board of the IMFS.

Distinguished Fellows are exceptional individuals with great experience in policy making institutions and the financial sector who have already made outstanding contributions to the IMFS and its activities in research and policy advice or who aim to get actively involved in the future and further collaboration with key institutions.

The Distinguished Fellows at a glance.