Petra Geraats, Luisa Lambertini and Maik Wolters to become Affiliated Professors at the IMFS

The Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS) will intensify collaboration in the area of monetary policy with three additional researchers: Petra Geraats, Luisa Lambertini and Maik Wolters will contribute their expertise as Affiliated Professors and Research Fellows at the IMFS.

Dr. Petra Geraats is Senior Lecturer for International Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics and International Finance at the University of Cambridge. She has a special interest in the transparency of monetary policy. Currently, she is involved in the independent evaluation of the Central Bank of Chile.

Luisa Lambertini is a Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where she holds the Chair of International Finance. Her research focuses on the interaction of monetary and fiscal policies, among others things, and was published in numerous scientific journals.

Geraats and Lambertini have been involved in the conference “The ECB and Its Watchers” where the IMFS once a year brings together central bankers, financial market participants and academics for discussions on current issues of monetary policy and financial stability.

Maik Wolters is Professor of Macroeconomics at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. His research is focused on monetary macroeconomics and has been published in various scientific journals, and contributes to the major IMFS research project on macroeconomic modelling, the Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison Network (MMCN).

The Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS) is a research center of Goethe University Frankfurt located in the “House of Finance”. The focus is on the role of central banks in monetary policy, financial regulation and financial supervision. In 2007, the institute was established as part of the project “Currency and Financial Stability” and is financed by Goethe University and the Foundation of Monetary and Financial Stability.

Prof. Volker Wieland, Endowed Chair of Monetary Economics, is the Managing Director, Prof. Michael Binder, Chair for International Macroeconomics und Macroeconometrics, acts as Deputy Managing Director.

Five more Professors of Goethe University form part of the IMFS:

  • Roland Broemel, Chair of Public Law, Economic and Currency Law, Financial Markets Regulation and Legal Theory,
  • Alexander Meyer-Gohde, Chair of Financial Markets and Macroeconomics,
  • Michael Haliassos, Chair of Macroeconomics and Finance,
  • Tobias Tröger, Chair of Private Law, Trade, and Business Law, Jurisprudence, as well as
  • Distinguished Professor Helmut Siekmann,

Affiliated Professor Heike Schweitzer of the law faculty of Humboldt University Berlin also collaborates with IMFS researchers.