"After more than nine years with nine annual reports, three special reports, three productivity reports and 20 economic forecasts, I have decided to end my membership of the German Council of Economic Experts so that I can once again devote myself more intensively to my main activities in research and teaching and as head of a university center," said Volker Wieland.
Prof. Volker Wieland, Ph.D., has been a member of the Council since March 2013. He is an Endowed Professor of Monetary Economics and Managing Director of the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS) at Goethe University. He is also a Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in London, a member of the Kronberger Kreis and of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry of Finance and the Advisory Board of the Stability Council. Since 2004, he has organized the annual conference "The ECB and Its Watchers," at which representatives of central banks, academics and financial market participants discuss current monetary policy issues.
To the GCEE press release
Interview with Volker Wieland in FAZ: "Man sollte gehen, wenn es am schönsten ist"