Siekmann und Wieland on the OMT program in a new CEPR Paper

On October 14, the OMT program is on the agenda of the European Court of Justice as the German Constitutional Court had referred the case onward in February.

In a new paper for the Centre for Economic Policy Research, Helmut Siekmann and Volker Wieland have analyzed the decision of the German Constitutional Court and the financial markets' reaction that is the souvereign risk premia of the euro zone crisis countries .

In their analysis, the authors examined the implications the complicated relationship between the two courts could have for the outcome of the lawsuit.

CEPR Policy Insight No. 74
"The German Constitutional Court's decision on OMT: have markets misunderstood?"

see also Siekmann's and Wieland's VoxEu column:
"Have markets misunderstood the German Court's decision on OMT?"

More on this topic:
Helmut Siekmann explains in the "Börsen-Zeitung" why the OMT lawsuit is not a sure-fire success

A new review explains why the commentary on the European monetary union, edited by Helmut Siekmann, is extremely worth reading in view of the upcoming decision of the European Court of Justice regarding the OMT program.