Volker Wieland advocates clear prioritization in budget discussions (Handelsblatt)

In the course of budget deliberations, Finance Minister Christian Lindner wants to review subsidy payments. In an interview with "Handelsblatt," Prof. Volker Wieland spoke out in favor of clear prioritization of spending.

"Handelsblatt" cites the fact that social spending has recently risen significantly. "Against this background, I find the attitude that you can't put the brakes on anywhere unconvincing," Wieland said. He added that economic output had also risen, but to a considerably lesser extent. The volume of social spending increased from 24 to 26 percent of gross domestic product from 2018 to 2021, he said."So it's not because of the volume of social spending," Wieland is convinced. Rather, he says, it is a question of how these extensive funds can be better used. According to Wieland, policymakers should decide "where to allow spending increases and where not."

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