Volker Wieland calls for better competitive conditions for German industry ("Münchner Merkur / Frankfurter Rundschau"

In an opinion piece in the "Münchner Merkur"/"Frankfurter Rundschau" (Ippen Media), Volker Wieland called on the German government to act to improve the competitiveness of the German economy. "This is the prerequisite for maintaining and increasing prosperity in Germany," he said.

From 2018 to 2021, the tax ratio - i.e. taxes and social contributions relative to economic output - rose from 40.8 percent to 41.2 percent. The burden on the economy has thus increased, but it is anything but in a good position. "Commissions on the future of political parties, as well as the federal government as a whole, should therefore focus on the question of how the high level of government spending can be restructured and prioritized accordingly, instead of taking up the cause of further increasing the tax burden and the state's share of the economy," Wieland said.

Müncher Merkur: "SPD-Pläne für höhere Steuereinnahmen: Wer zahlt die Rechnung?"