Volker Wieland emphasizes managements skills of designated ECB President ("Börsen-Zeitung", "Handelsblatt", "FAZ")

According to Prof. Volker Wieland, the designated President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, is an experienced manager. In an interview with the German financial daily, Wieland highlighted Lagarde's background as legal expert as well as successful politician and finance minister.

As Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Lagarde was able to futher expand her expertise on financial relations, he said.

However, in the interview with "Börsen-Zeitung" and "Handelsblatt", Wieland asked to take more economists into consideration for vacant positions in the ECB Governing Council: "For further recruitments in the upcoming months and years, it would be important to appoint more economists with experience in monetary policy again".


Börsen-Zeitung: "Was Top-Ökonomen über eine EZB-Präsidentin Lagarde denken" (€)
Handelsblatt: "Das Lagarde-Experiment"
FAZ: "Eine verpasste Chance für die EZB"