Volker Wieland calls for better framework conditions for companies (Die Welt)

In an interview with the newspaper "Die Welt", Volker Wieland called for bold political intervention to create the conditions for stronger economic growth. Germany's economic output is at the same level as 2019, he said. However, spending on citizens' benefits and subsidies would continue to be kept high.

"We need to generate growth again, but this is not achieved by increasing government debt, but by politicians creating the framework conditions for companies to do good business here in the country." Wieland went on to warn that politicians were not addressing issues such as reducing bureaucracy and addressing a pension reform.

However, according to Wieland, this should not be associated with higher debt. "Germany must remain an anchor of stability for the financial market, which is why the debt brake should be better adhered to."

Die Welt: "Bürgergeld und Subventionen - Wir denken, wir können uns das alles leisten"