Volker Wieland: "The ECB should end bond purchases and negative interest rates" (FAZ)

According to Volker Wieland, the European Central Bank (ECB) should adjust the orientation of monetary policy to inflation developments. In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, he warned that the central bank risked entrenching higher inflation rates.

He still expects consumer price inflation to fall in the course of the year - but at a slower pace than previously expected. Normalizing inflation at 2 percent must go hand in hand with normalizing interest rates, he said. If the ECB misses this, inflation will remain high for longer, Wieland added. "The ECB should end the net bond purchases under the PEPP program, and the net purchases under the other programs, especially government bonds, should not be expanded, but should be scaled back faster than planned so far.

FAZ: "Die EZB sollte Anleihekäufe und Negativzinsen beenden"