The Wall Street Journal cited the latest IMFS Working Paper " Fiscal Consolidation Strategy: An Update for the Budget Reform Proposal of March 2013"…
Charles M. Kahn, Bailey Memorial Chair Professor, Financial Department of the University of Illinois gave a lecture on "LIQUIDITY - A VIEW OF HOW OUR…
Helmut Siekmann in the TV News
Link to Tagesschau at 5 p.m., March 18, 2013
The IMFS Executive Board has appointed Daniel Zimmer as IMFS Distinguished Fellow. Zimmer is the Director of the Institute of Commercial and Economic…
The Wall Street Journal referred to one of the latest IMFS Working Paper "Fiscal consolidation strategy" by John F. Cogan, John B. Taylor, Volker…
Volker Wieland, Managing Director of the IMFS, is now a member of the German Council of Economic Experts.