113 |
Mewael F. Tesfaselassie,
Maik Wolters
The Impact of Growth on Unemployment in a Low vs. a High Inflation Environment
2017 |
growth, inflation, trend inflation, unemployment |
111 |
Jinhyuk Yoo
Capital Injection to Banks versus Debt Relief to Households
Financial Markets
2017 |
DSGE, housing debt crisis, zero lower bound |
110 |
Volker Wieland,
Robert C. M. Beyer
Instability, imprecision and inconsistent use of equilibrium real interest rate estimates
Monetary Policy
2017 |
monetary policy, interest rates, equilibrium real interest rate, Federral Reserve, ECB |
65 |
Helmut Siekmann
Missachtung rechtlicher Vorgaben des AEUV durch die Mitgliedstaaten und die EZB in der Schuldenkrise
Central Bank Law
2012 |
ECB, EZB, Eurosystem, Schuldenkrise, financial crisis |
66 |
Volker Wieland,
John B. Taylor
Surprising Comparative Properties of Monetary Models: Results from a New Model Database
Monetary Policy
2012 |
models, rules, US, Fed |
68 |
Volker Wieland,
John B. Taylor,
John F. Cogan,
Maik Wolters
Fiscal Consolidation Strategy: An Update for the Budget Reform Proposal of March 2013
Fiscal Policy
2013 |
GDP, US, models |
71 |
Helmut Siekmann,
Volker Wieland
The European Central Bank's Outright Monetary Transactions and the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2013 |
ECB, EZB, OMT, Federal Constitutional Court, Bundesverfassungsgericht, Inflation, Geldpolitik, monetary policy |
73 |
Tobias Tröger
The Single Supervisory Mechanism – Panacea or Quack Banking Regulation?
Financial Regulation
2013 |
ECB, banks, SSM, supervision, EZB, Aufsicht, Banken |
74 |
Volker Wieland,
Tilman Bletzinger
Estimating the European Central Bank's "Extended Period of Time"
Monetary Policy
2013 |
ECB, EZB, Geldpolitik, inflation, forward, guidance |
75 |
Athanasios Orphanides
Is Monetary Policy Overburdened?
Monetary Policy,
Financial Stability
2013 |
Geldpolitik, Unabhängigkeit, Notenbanken, independence |
76 |
Y. Emilie Yoo
Financial Regulation and Supervision Across Business Lines in the United States - Financial Holding Companies post Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Financial Regulation
2013 |
supervision, Dodd, Frank, Gramm, Leach, Bliley |
77 |
Helmut Siekmann
Zur Offenlegung der Bezüge von Sparkassenführungskräften im Internet
Financial Regulation
2014 |
Sparkassen, Banken, Aufsicht, Gehalt, Compliance |
78 |
Michael Binder,
Marcel Bluhm
On the Conditional Effects of IMF Loan Program Participation on Output Growth
2014 |
IMF, pooling |
79 |
Athanasios Orphanides
What Happened in Cyprus? The Economic Consequences of the Last Communist Government in Europe
Monetary Policy
2014 |
Cyprus, euro area, crisis, sovereign debt, populism |
80 |
Hermann Remsperger
Der makroprudenzielle Komplex: der Prozess, das Schloss, das Urteil
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation
2014 |
Banken, AFS, ESRB, SSM, Banken, Aufsicht, makroprudenziell |
81 |
Volker Wieland,
Maik Wolters
Is there a threat of self-reinforcing deflation in the Euro area? A view through the lens of the Phillips curve
Monetary Policy
2014 |
ECB, EZB, euro, Phillips, inflation, Japan |
109 |
Helmut Siekmann
Replacing or Supplementing the Euro in Member States whose Currency is the Euro
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2016 |
Euro, Eurozone, exit, Währungsunion, exit |
108 |
Helmut Siekmann
Restricting the Use of Cash in the European Monetary Union
Central Bank Law
2016 |
Cash, Bargeld, Parallelwährung, ECB, EZB, Währungsunion |
107 |
Volker Wieland,
Elena Afanasyeva,
Meguy Kuete,
Jinhyuk Yoo
New Methods for Macro-Financial Model Comparison and Policy Analysis
Monetary Policy
2016 |
models, uncertainty, monetary, policy |
106 |
Helmut Siekmann
Konstruktionsfehler bei der Einlagensicherung auf EU-Ebene
Financial Regulation
2016 |
Einlagensicherung, Bankenunion, Banken, banks, deposit, protection |
105 |
Athanasios Orphanides
Fiscal Implications of Central Bank Balance Sheet Policies
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2016 |
QE, ECB, EZB, Fed, Notenbankbilanz |
104 |
Helmut Siekmann
Preis- und Finanzstabilität: der Primat der Politik, der rechtliche Rahmen und das "ökonomische Gesetz"
Financial Markets
2016 |
EZB, ECB, Menger, Mestmäcker, Preisstabilität, Inflation |
103 |
John B. Taylor,
Volker Wieland
Finding the Equilibrium Real Interest Rate in a Fog of Policy Deviations
Monetary Policy
2016 |
Gleichgewichtszinsen, Taylor, rule, Zinsregel, Geldpolitik |
102 |
Tilman Bletzinger,
Volker Wieland
Forward guidance and "lower for longer": The case of the ECB
Monetary Policy
2016 |
ECB, EZB, Taylor, rule, Draghi, Geldpolitik, QE |
101 |
Helmut Siekmann
Ziele, Aufgaben und Befugnisse des Europäischen Systems der Zentralbanken (ESZB)
Central Bank Law
2016 |
EZB, ECB, Eurosystem, ESZB, Währungsunion, OMT, SMP, LTRO |
100 |
Robert C. M. Beyer,
Volker Wieland
Schätzung des mittelfristigen Gleichgewichtszinses in den Vereinigten Staaten, Deutschland und dem Euro-Raum mit der Laubach-Williams-Methode
Monetary Policy
2016 |
EZB, ECB, Nullzinspolitik, Taylor, Fed, Federal Reserve, USA, säkulare Stagnation |
99 |
Helmut Siekmann
Exit, Exclusion, and Parallel Currencies in the Euro Area
Financial Regulation,
Central Bank Law
2015 |
Euro, Währungsunion, Parallelwährung, Austritt, Eurozone, EZB, ECB |
98 |
Helmut Siekmann
Stellungnahme für die öffentliche Anhörung der Verfassungskommission des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Schuldenbremse
Financial Regulation
2015 |
Schuldenbremse, Haushalt, debt, brake |
96 |
Patrick Tuschl
Rechtsgrundlagen für die Vereinbarkeit von Finanzhilfen für Kreditinstitute mit dem Beihilferecht der EU im Rahmen der Finanzmarktkrise
Financial Regulation,
Central Bank Law
2015 |
Banken, banks, Krise, crisis, Beihilfen |
95 |
Athanasios Orphanides
Fear of Liftoff: Uncertainty, Rules and Discreation in Monetary Policy Normalization
Monetary Policy
2015 |
Fed, interest rate, Taylor, rule, Zinsregel |
94 |
Bettina Brüggemann,
Jinhyuk Yoo
Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Increasing Taxes on Top Income Earners
Financial Markets
2015 |
tax, income, tax rate, Steuern |
93 |
Tobias Tröger
Regulatory Influence on Market Conditions in the Banking Union
Financial Regulation
2015 |
banks, Banken, Bankenunion, makroprudenziell, Bail-in |
91 |
Florian Hoffmann,
Roman Inderst,
Marcus Opp
Regulating Deferred Incentive Pay
Financial Regulation
2015 |
banks, Banken, compliance, bonus, Gehalt |
90 |
Helmut Siekmann
The Legality of Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) of the European System of Central Banks
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2015 |
ECB, EZB, OMT, Geldpolitik, Mandat, Eurosystem, ELA, SMP |
89 |
Helmut Siekmann
The Legal Framework for the European System of Central Banks
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2015 |
EZB, ECB, Eurosystem, ESCB, Währungsunion, Preisstabilität, Mandat |
88 |
Florian Deuflhard,
Dimitris Georgarakos,
Roman Inderst
Financial Literacy and Savings Account Returns
Financial Markets
2015 |
banks, savings |
87 |
Falko Fecht,
Roman Inderst,
Sebastian Pfeil
A Theory of the Boundaries of Banks with Implications For Financial Integration and Regulation
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Financial Markets
2015 |
banks, banking |
85 |
Elena Afanasyeva,
Jochen Güntner
Lending Standards, Credit Booms and Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2014 |
models, Keynesian, banks, credits, Banken, Kredite, Geldpolitik |
84 |
Athanasios Orphanides
Are Rules and Boundaries Sufficient to Limit Harmful Central Bank Discretion? Lessons from Europe
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2014 |
EZB, ECB, Cyprus, ELA, banks, Banken, crisis, Krise |
83 |
Tobias Tröger
How Special Are They? - Targeting Systemic Risk by Regulating Shadow Banking
Financial Regulation
2014 |
Banken, Schattenbanken, shadow, banking, Aufsicht, Regulierung |
82 |
Markus Behn,
Rainer Haselmann,
Vikrant Vig
The Limits of Model-Based Regulation
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation
2014 |
regulation, banks, Basel, Banken, Aufsicht, models, IRB, risk |
114 |
Michael Binder,
Jorge Quintana,
Philipp Lieberknecht,
Volker Wieland
Model Uncertainty in Macroeconomics: On the Implications of Financial Frictions
Monetary Policy
2017 |
models, uncertainty, DSGE, monetary policy, forecasting |
63 |
Kirstin Hubrich,
Massimiliano Marcellino,
Günter Beck
On the Importance of Sectoral and Regional Shocks for Price Setting
2012 |
Disaggregated prices, euro area regional and sectoral inflation, common factor models |
62 |
Maik Wolters,
Volker Wieland
Forecasting and Policy Making
Monetary Policy
2012 |
Forecasting, monetary policy, fiscal policy, DSGE models, conditional forecasts, policy rules, expectations, business cycles, robust policy |
61 |
John F. Cogan,
Maik Wolters,
Volker Wieland,
John B. Taylor
Fiscal Consolidation Strategy
2012 |
John F. Cogan, John B. Taylor, Volker Wieland, Maik Wolters |
60 |
Maik Wolters,
Peter Tillmann
The Changing Dynamics of US Inflation Persistence: A Quantile Regression Approach
Monetary Policy
2014 |
inflation persistence, quantile regressions, structural breaks, unit root test, monetary policy, Federal Reserve |
59 |
Maik Wolters
Evaluating Point and Density Forecasts of DSGE Models
2012 |
DSGE models, forecasting, model uncertainty, forecast combination, density forecasts, real-time data, Greenbook |
58 |
Peter Tillmann
Capital Inflows and Asset Prices: Evidence from Emerging Asia
Monetary Policy
2012 |
Capital Inflows, House Prices, Monetary Policy, Sign Restrictions, Panel VAR |
57 |
Athanasios Orphanides,
Volker Wieland
Complexity and Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy,
2012 |
Financial crisis, complexity, monetary policy, model uncertainty, robust simple rules, ECB. |
55 |
Fabio Verona
Lumpy Investment in Sticky Information General Equilibrium
2012 |
sticky information, general equilibrium, lumpy investment, business cycle |
54 |
Organizational Choices of Banks and the Effective Supervision of Transnational Financial Institutions
Central Bank Law,
Financial Regulation
2012 |
cross-border banking, micro-prudential supervision, consolidating supervision, banking union, subsidiaries, branches |
53 |
Sebastian Schmidt
Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy with a Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates
Monetary Policy,
2012 |
Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, Discretion, Commitment, Zero nominal interest rate bound, New Keynesian model |
52 |
Sebastian Schmidt,
Volker Wieland
The New Keynesian Approach to Dynamic General Equilibrium Modeling: Models, Methods and Macroeconomic Policy Evaluation
Monetary Policy
2012 |
Monetary macroeconomics, Keynesian models, New Keynesian models, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models, New Neoclassical synthesis, model comparison, rational expectations, policy evaluation, policy robustness, monetary and fiscal policy. |
51 |
Vivien Lewis,
Arnoud Stevens
The Competition Effect in Business Cycles
2012 |
Bayesian estimation, business cycles, competition, entry, markups |
50 |
Vivien Lewis
Optimal Monetary Policy and Firm Entry
Monetary Policy
2012 |
entry; optimal monetary policy, sticky wages |
46 |
Volker Wieland,
Christos Koulovatianos
Asset Pricing under Rational Learning about Rare Disasters
Financial Markets
2011 |
beliefs, Bayesian learning, controlled diffusions and jump processes, learning about jumps, adaptive learning, rational learning |
42 |
Streitschrift für eine grundlegende Neuordnung des Sparkassen- und Landesbankensektors in Deutschland
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Financial Markets
2011 |
40 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die Entstehung des neuen Europäischen Finanzaufsichtssystems
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Central Bank Law
2010 |
39 |
Ludger Michael Migge
Wirtschaftsjournalismus vs. Finanzanalyse? Zur ‚regulierten’ Selbstregulierung von Presse und Telemedien in der Finanzmarktberichterstattung nach §§ 34b Abs. 4 und 34c S. 6 des Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes
Financial Markets
2010 |
38 |
Rettungsstrategie ohne Moral Hazard – Versuch eines Gesamtkonzepts zur Bankkrisenvermeidung
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation
2010 |
37 |
Capital Adequacy Regulation of Financial Conglomerates in the European Union
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation
2010 |
36 |
Roman Inderst,
Marco Ottaviani
Misselling through Agents
Financial Markets
2009 |
Consumer Protection; Search; Learning; Information and Knowledge; Marketing; Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects |
35 |
Roman Inderst
Misselling (Financial) Products: The Limits for Internal Compliance
Financial Markets
2009 |
Consumer Protection, Search; Learning; Information and Knowledge, Marketing, Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects |
34 |
Financing a Portfolio of Projects
Financial Markets
2009 |
33 |
Innovation, endogenous overinvestment, and incentive pay
Financial Markets
2009 |
31 |
Roman Inderst,
Holger Müller
Bank capital structure and credit decisions
Financial Markets
2009 |
29 |
Roman Inderst,
Holger Müller
CEO Replacement under Private Information
Financial Markets
2009 |
28 |
Roman Inderst,
Ufuk Otag,
Hasan Doluca
Banking Competition and Risk-Taking When Borrowers Care about Financial Prudence
Financial Markets
2009 |
27 |
Roman Inderst
Loan Origination under Soft- and Hard-Information Lending Institute
Financial Markets
2009 |
26 |
Stabilisierung der WestLB AG durch Garantien des Landes NRW - Stellungnahme für die öffentliche Anhörung des Haushalts- und Finanzausschusses des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen am 29. Oktober 2009
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Central Bank Law
2009 |
25 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die Neuordnung der Finanzmarktaufsicht
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Central Bank Law
2009 |
24 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die Schaffung von Einrichtungen der Finanzaufsicht auf EU-Ebene - Stellungnahme zu dem Vorschlag der Sachverständigengruppe unter dem Vorsitz von Jacques de Larosière
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Central Bank Law
2009 |
23 |
Melanie Döge,
Stefan Jobst
Aktienrecht zwischen börsen- und kapitalmarktorientiertem Ansatz
Financial Regulation
2009 |
22 |
Tim Oliver Berg
Cross-country evidence on the relation between equity prices and the current account
2009 |
current account fluctuations, equity prices, panel vector autoregression |
21 |
Stefan Gerlach
The Risk of Deflation
Monetary Policy
2009 |
20 |
Chun-Yu Ho,
Wai-Yip Alex Ho
On the Sustainability of Currency Boards: Evidence from Argentina and Hong Kong
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2009 |
19 |
Helmut Siekmann
Stellungnahme für die öffentliche Anhörung des Ausschusses für Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Energie und des Haushalts- und Finanzausschusses des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen - Keine Hilfe für Banken ohne einen neuen Ordnungsrahmen für die Finanzmärkte
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation
0 |
18 |
Choi-Hoi Hui,
Hans Gender
The credibility of The Link from the perspective of modern financial theory
Financial Markets
2008 |
17 |
Helmut Siekmann
Stellungnahme für die öffentliche Anhörung des Haushaltsausschusses zu dem Gesetzentwurf der Fraktion der SPD und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen für ein Gesetz zur Änderung der Hessischen Landeshaushaltsordnung
Financial Regulation
2008 |
16 |
Katrin Assenmacher-Wesche,
Stefan Gerlach
Ensuring Financial Stability: Financial Structure and the Imapct of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2008 |
asset prices, monetary policy, panel VAR |
15 |
Helmut Siekmann
Föderalismuskommission II für eine zukunftsfähige Gestaltung der Finanzsysteme nutzen
Financial Regulation
2008 |
13 |
Stefan Gerlach,
Katrin Assenmacher-Wesche,
Toshitaka Sekine
Monetary Factors and Inflation in Japan
Monetary Policy
2007 |
spectral regression, frequency domain, Phillips curve, quantity theory |
12 |
Stefan Gerlach,
Peter Kugler
Deflation and Relative Prices: Evidence from Japan and Hong Kongo
Monetary Policy
2007 |
inflation, deflation, menu costs, Hong Kong, Japan |
11 |
Helmut Siekmann,
Guntram B. Wolff,
Joachim Wieland
Symposium zur "Neuordnung der föderalen Finanzbeziehungen"
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation
2007 |
10 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die Spielbankabgabe und die Beteiligung der Gemeinden an ihrem Aufkommen – zugleich ein Beitrag zu den finanzverfassungsrechtlichen Ansprüchen der Gemeinden
Financial Regulation
2007 |
8 |
Helmut Siekmann
Der Anspruch auf Herstellung von Transparenz im Hinblick auf die Kosten und Folgekosten der Steinkohlesubventionierung und den Börsengang der RAG AG
Financial Markets
2007 |
7 |
Joachim Wieland
Staatsverschuldung als Herausforderung für die Finanzverfassung
Financial Stability
2006 |
6 |
Holger Müller,
Roman Inderst
A Lender-Based Theory of Collateral
Financial Stability,
Financial Markets
2006 |
collateral; soft information; loan market competition; relationship lending |
5 |
Roman Inderst,
Felix Münnich,
Holger Müller
Financing a Portfolio of Projects
Financial Markets
2006 |
4 |
Reinhard Schmidt,
Aneta Hryckiewicz
Financial Systems - Importance, Differences and Convergence
Financial Markets
2006 |
financial sector, financial system, growth and development, convergence |
3 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die Verwendung des Gewinns der Europäischen Zentralbank und der Bundesbank
Central Bank Law
2006 |
2 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die Unabhängigkeit von EZB und Bundesbank nach geltendem Recht und dem Vertrag über eine Verfassung für Europa
Central Bank Law
2006 |
1 |
Helmut Siekmann
The Burden of an Ageing Society as a Public Debt
Financial Stability
2006 |
9 |
Henry M. Ordower
Demystifying Hedge Funds: A Design Primer
Financial Markets
2007 |
32 |
Roman Inderst
"Irresponsible lending" with a better informed lender
Financial Markets
2009 |
lending, personal finance |
30 |
Roman Inderst,
Holger Müller
Early-Stage Financing and Firm Growth in New Industries
Financial Markets
2009 |
Venture capital; dynamic investment; product market competition |
41 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die Finanzmarktaufsicht in der Krise
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Central Bank Law
2010 |
43 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die Bankenabgabe in Deutschland - ein geeignetes Instrument zur Prävention von Finanzkrisen?
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation
2011 |
44 |
Jan Pieter Krahnen,
Günther Merl,
Helmut Siekmann,
Heinz Hilgert
On a Fundamental Reorganisation of the Landesbanks and Savings Banks Sector in Germany
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Financial Markets
2011 |
45 |
Helmut Siekmann
Law and Economics of the Monetary Union
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Central Bank Law
2011 |
47 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die Europäisierung der Finanzmarktaufsicht
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Central Bank Law
2011 |
48 |
Helmut Siekmann
Die rechtliche Regulierung öffentlicher Banken in Deutschland
Financial Regulation
2011 |
49 |
Tobias Cwik,
Gernot J. Müller,
Maik Wolters,
Volker Wieland,
Sebastian Schmidt
A New Comparative Approach to Macroeconomic Modeling and Policy Analysis
Monetary Policy
2012 |
Macroeconomic Models, Model Uncertainty, Policy Rules, Robustness, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Model Comparison |
56 |
Inês Drumond,
Manuel Martins,
Fabio Verona
(Un)anticipated Monetary Policy in a DSGE Model with a Shadow Banking System
Monetary Policy
2012 |
DSGE model, shadow banking system, too low for too long, boom-bust |
67 |
Volker Wieland,
Otmar Issing
Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy: Reflections on the Development over the last 150 Years
Monetary Policy
2012 |
inflation, targeting, Taylor, rule, ECB |
69 |
Tobias Tröger
Konzernverantwortung in der aufsichtsunterworfenen Finanzbranche
Financial Regulation
2013 |
Banken, Versicherungen, Aufsicht, Bankenaufsichtsrecht, Versicherungsaufsichtsrecht, Konzernrecht, Konzernverantwortung, Organisationspflichten, Compliance, Risikomanagement, Sicherstellungspflichten |
70 |
Elena Afanasyeva
Atypical Behavior of Credit: Evidence from a Monetary VAR
Financial Markets
2013 |
credit, asset prices, Bayesian, VAR, forecasts |
72 |
Matthias Burgert,
Sebastian Schmidt
Dealing with a Liquidity Trap when Government Debt Matters: Optimal Time-Consistent Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Monetary Policy
2013 |
Keynesian model, interest rate, liquidity, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Deficit spending, , Zero, Keynesian, model |
86 |
Markus Behn,
Rainer Haselmann,
Thomas Kick,
Vikrant Vig
The Political Economy of Bank Bailouts
Financial Stability,
Financial Regulation,
Financial Markets
2015 |
banks, bailout, Banken, credit |
92 |
Janis Skrastins,
Vikrant Vig
How Organizational Hierarchy Affects Information Production
Financial Markets
2015 |
Hierarchies, Soft Information, Banks, Globalization, Complexity |
97 |
José María Liberti,
Amit Seru,
Vikrant Vig
Information, Credit, and Organization
Financial Markets
2015 |
banks, Banken, Kredit |
112 |
Gerhard Rösl,
Franz Seitz,
Karl-Heinz Tödter
Doing away with cash? The welfare costs of abolishing cash
Monetary Policy,
Financial Regulation
2017 |
negative interest rates, deadweight loss, welfare costs, cash, zero lower bound |
14 |
Guntram B. Wolff
Schuldenanstieg und Haftungsausschluss im deutschen Föderalstaat: Zur Rolle des Moral Hazard
Financial Stability
2007 |
115 |
Günter Beck,
Volker Wieland
How to Normalize Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
Monetary Policy,
Financial Stability,
Financial Markets
2017 |
ECB, EZB, QE, Quantitative Easing, Forward Guidance, QE |
116 |
Tobias Tröger
Too Complex to Work - A Critical Assessment of the Bail-in Tool under the European Recovery and Resolution Regime
Financial Regulation
2017 |
banking union, banks, precautionary recapitalization, insolvency, BRRD, MREL |
117 |
Tobias Tröger
Why MREL Won't Help Much
Financial Regulation
2017 |
banking union, banks, MREL, TLAC, bank resolution, Financial Stability Boad |
118 |
Gregor Böhl,
Thomas Fischer
Can Taxation Predict US Top-Wealth Share Dynamics?
2017 |
Wealth, Inequality, capital tax, capital gains |
119 |
Gregor Böhl
Monetary Policy and Speculative Stock Markets
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2017 |
spillovers, stocks, stock prices, asset price targeting, financial markets |
120 |
Helmut Siekmann
The Warranty Obligation of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Deutsche Bundesbank and the European Central Bank
Central Bank Law
2017 |
warranty obligation, liability, Bundesbank, ECB |
121 |
Maik Wolters
How the Baby Boomers' Retirement Wave Distorts Model-Based Output Gap Estimates
2018 |
DSGE models, baby boomers, recession |
123 |
Karl-Heinz Tödter,
Gerhard Ziebarth
Interest rates, effective prices, and the economic cost of life - A contribution to the construction of an intertemporal price index
Monetary Policy
2018 |
Purchasing power of money, monetary policy, interest rates, present value prices, asset prices, effective inflation, cost of life index |
122 |
Helmut Siekmann
Legal Tender in the Euro Area
Central Bank Law
2018 |
Currency, cash, coins, money |
124 |
Athanasios Orphanides
The Boundaries of Central Bank Independence: Lessons from Unconventional Times
Monetary Policy
2018 |
central banks, monetary policy, inflation, interest rates, Bank of Japan, Geldpolitik |
125 |
Alexander Meyer-Gohde,
Daniel Neuhoff
Generalized Exogenous Processes in DSGE: A Bayesian Approach
Financial Markets
2018 |
DSGE, ARMA, Markov chain, Bayesian analysis |
126 |
Felix Strobel
The Government Spending Multiplier, Fiscal Stress and the Zero Lower Bound
Fiscal Policy,
Monetary Policy
2018 |
interest rates, zero lower bound, government spending, mulitplier |
127 |
Michael Haliassos,
Yigitcan Karabulut,
Thomas Jansson
Financial Literacy Externalities
Financial Markets
0 |
household finance, financial literacy |
128 |
Christopher Roth,
Johannes Wohlfart
How Do Expectations About the Macroeconomy Affect Personal Expectations and Behavior?
2018 |
expectation formation, aggregate uncertainty, macroeconomic conditions |
129 |
Olga Goldfayn-Frank,
Johannes Wohlfart
How Do Consumers Adapt to a New Environment in their Economic Forecasting? Evidence from the German Reunification
Household Finance,
2018 |
inflation, macroeconomic experiences, expectation formation |
130 |
Eduard Hofert
Regulating Virtual Currencies
Financial Regulation,
Financial Markets
2019 |
regulation, Bitcoin, Ethereum, distributed ledger technology |
131 |
Philipp Lieberknecht,
Volker Wieland
On the Macroeconomic and Fiscal Effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Fiscal Policy,
2019 |
tax reform, labor income taxes, GDP, TCJA, fiscal stimulus |
132 |
Galina Potjagailo,
Maik Wolters
Global Financial Cycles since 1880
Financial Markets
2019 |
financial crisis, financial cycle, macrofinance, house prices, GDP, Great Depression |
133 |
Josefine Quast,
Maik Wolters
Reliable Real-time Output Gap Estimates Based on a Modified Hamilton Filter
2019 |
output gap, inflation forecasting, potential output, GDP |
134 |
Helmut Siekmann
The Asset Purchase Programmes of the ESCB - an interdisciplinary approach
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2019 |
ECB, monetary policy |
135 |
Tiziana Assenza,
Alberto Cardaci,
Domenico Delli Gatti
Perceived wealth, cognitive sophistication and behavioral inattention
Household Finance
2019 |
wealth misperception |
136 |
Luc Arrondel,
Hector Calvo-Pardo,
Chryssi Giannitsarou,
Michael Haliassos
Informative Social Interactions
Household Finance
2019 |
financial literacy, stock market participation, portfolio choice, social interactions |
137 |
Martin Kliem,
Alexander Meyer-Gohde
(Un)expected Monetary Policy Shocks and Term Premia
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2019 |
term structure, interest rates, transmission mechanism, DSGE |
138 |
Francisco Gomes,
Michael Haliassos,
Tarun Ramadorai
Household Finance
Household Finance
2020 |
Household Finance, Financial Literacy, insurance, trading |
139 |
Volker Wieland
Verfahren zum Anleihekaufprogramm der EZB
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2020 |
ECB, monetary policy, PSPP |
140 |
Helmut Siekmann,
Volker Wieland
The Ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court concerning the Public Sector Purchase Program: A Practical Way Forward
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2020 |
ECB, PSPP, QE, monetary policy |
141 |
Karl-Heinz Tödter
A SIRD Model for Infection Dynamics with Endogenous Treatment Capacity and Lessons for Corona Statistics
2020 |
Modell, Corona |
142 |
Gregor Böhl,
Gavin Goy,
Felix Strobel
A Structural Investigation of Quantitative Easing
Monetary Policy
2020 |
QE, Fed |
143 |
Gregor Böhl,
Felix Strobel
U.S. Business Cycle Dynamics at the Zero Lower Bound
Monetary Policy
2020 |
US, financial crisis, zero lower bound |
144 |
Mátyás Farkas,
Balint Tatar
Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
2020 |
DSGE Estimation, Bayesian Analysis, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo |
145 |
Lars P. Feld,
Volker Wieland
The German Federal Constitutional Court Ruling and the European Central Bank's Strategy
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2020 |
ECB, monetary policy, GFCC, court, QE |
146 |
Robert C. M. Beyer,
Lazar Milivojevic
Dynamics and Synchronization of Global Equilibrium Interest Rates
Monetary Policy
2021 |
equilibrium interest rates |
147 |
Brian Fabo,
Martina Jancokova,
Elisabeth Kempf,
Lubos Pastor
Fifty Shades of QE: Conflicts of Interest in Economic Research
Monetary Policy
2021 |
QE, inflation |
148 |
Gregor Böhl
Efficient Solution and Computation of Models with Occasionally Binding Constraints
2021 |
zero lower bound, (ZLB) |
149 |
Wolfgang Lechthaler,
Mewael F. Tesfaselassie
Endogenous Growth, Skill Obsolescence and Output Hysteresis in a New Keynesian Model with Unemployment
2021 |
employment, unemployment, productivity |
150 |
Gerhard Rösl,
Franz Seitz
Cash and Crises: No surprises by the virus
2021 |
cash, euro, banknotes |
151 |
Thomas Jost,
Franz Seitz
Designing a European Monetary Fund: What role for the IMF?
2021 |
ESM, IMF, debt, euro area |
152 |
Lazar Milivojevic,
Balint Tatar
Fixed exchange rate - a friend or foe of labor cost adjustments?
Monetary Policy
2021 |
labor cost, exchange rate, DSGE |
153 |
Gregor Böhl,
Philipp Lieberknecht
The Hockey Stick Phillips Curve and the Zero Lower Bound
Monetary Policy
2021 |
Zero Lower Bound, Inflation, Disinflation |
154 |
Alexander Meyer-Gohde
On the Accuracy of Linear DSGE Solution Methods and the Consequences for Log-Normal Asset Pricing
Financial Markets
2021 |
DSGE, Asset Pricing |
155 |
Michael D. Bauer,
Eric T. Swanson
The Fed's Response to Economic News Explains the "Fed Information Effect"
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2021 |
Fed, monetary policy |
156 |
Gregor Böhl,
Cars Hommes
Rational vs. Irrational Beliefs in a Complex World
2021 |
157 |
Yvan Lengwiler,
Athanasios Orphanides
Collateral Framework:Liquidity Premia and Multiple Equilibria
Monetary Policy,
Financial Regulation
2021 |
ECB, collaterals |
158 |
Matthew Agarwala,
Matt Burke,
Patrycja Klusak,
Moritz Kraemer,
Kamiar Mohaddes
Rising Temperatures, Falling Ratings: The Effect of Climate Change on Sovereign Creditworthiness
Financial Markets
2021 |
climate, climate change, sovereign debt ratingx |
159 |
Volker Wieland
The decline in euro area inflation and the choice of policy strategy
Monetary Policy
2021 |
ECB, inflation, HICP, |
162 |
Magnus Reif,
Mewael F. Tesfaselassie,
Maik Wolters
Technological Growth and Hours in the Long Run: Theory and Evidence
2021 |
productivity, technology, technological growth |
160 |
Natascha Hinterlang,
Josef Hollmayr
Classification of Monetary and Fiscal Dominance Regimes using Machine Learning Techniques
Fiscal Policy,
Monetary Policy
2021 |
fiscal dominance, GDP, artificial intelligence, AI |
161 |
Michael Haliassos,
Thomas Jansson,
Yigitcan Karabulut
Wealth Inequality: Opportunity or Unfairness?
Household Finance
2021 |
household finance, behavioral finance, wealth |
163 |
Michael D. Bauer,
Mikhail Chernov
Interest Rate Skewness and Biased Beliefs
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2021 |
164 |
Thomas Jost,
Karl-Heinz Tödter
Reducing sovereign debt levels in the post-Covid Eurozone with a simple deficit rule
Fiscal Policy
2021 |
165 |
Michael D. Bauer,
Eric T. Swanson
A Reassessment of Monetary Policy Surprises and High-Frequency Identification
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2022 |
Fed, monetary policy, FOMC |
166 |
Eva Berger,
Sylwia Bialek,
Niklas Garnadt,
Veronika Grimm,
Lars Other,
Leonard Salzmann,
Monika Schnitzer,
Achim Truger,
Volker Wieland
A potential sudden stop of energy imports from Russia: Effects on energy security and economic output in Germany and the EU
2022 |
energy, Ukraine, Russia |
167 |
Gerhard Rösl,
Franz Seitz
On the Stabilizing Role of Cash for Societies
Monetary Policy
2022 |
cash, money, crises, stabilization |
168 |
Lena Dräger,
Michael J. Lamla,
Damjan Pfajfar
How to Limit the Spillover from an Inflation Surge to Inflation Expectations?
Monetary Policy
2022 |
inflation, inflation expectations, deanchoring |
169 |
Moritz Grebe,
Peter Tillmann
Household Expectations and Dissent Among Policymakers
Household Finance,
Monetary Policy
2022 |
inflation, inflation expectations, central bank communications |
170 |
Jens Weidmann
A new age of uncertainty? Implications for monetary policy
Monetary Policy
2022 |
inflation, monetary policy |
171 |
Veronika Grimm,
Lukas Nöh,
Volker Wieland
Government bond rates and interest expenditures of large euro area member states: A scenario analysis
Fiscal Policy,
Monetary Policy,
Financial Markets
2022 |
ECB, monetary policy, financial markets |
172 |
Helmut Siekmann
Inflation, price stability, and monetary policy - on the legality of inflation targeting by the Eurosystem
Monetary Policy,
Central Bank Law
2022 |
monetary policy, Eurosystem, central bank law |
173 |
Helmut Siekmann
On the constitutionality of the budgeting of general reduced expenditures
2022 |
Haushalt, Bundesländer, globale Minderausgaben |
174 |
Alexander Meyer-Gohde,
Johanna Saecker
Solving Linear DSGE Models With Newton Methods
2022 |
DSGE, models |
175 |
Alexander Meyer-Gohde,
Ekaterina Shabalina
Estimation and Forecasting Using Mixed-Frequency DSGE Models
2022 |
DSGE, mathematical methods, forecasting |
176 |
Michael D. Bauer,
Carolin Pflueger,
Adi Sunderam
Perceptions about Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
2022 |
monetary policy, Fed, FOMC, interest rates |
177 |
Gregor Böhl
Ensemble MCMC Sampling for Robust Bayesian Inference
2022 |
178 |
David Finck,
Peter Tillmann
The Macroeconomic Effects of Global Supply Chain Disruptions
2023 |
179 |
Josefine Quast,
Maik Wolters
The Federal Reserve’s Output Gap: The Unreliability of Real-Time Reliability Tests
2023 |
output gap, data |
180 |
Alexander Dück,
Fabio Verona
Monetary policy rules. model uncertainty meets design limits
Monetary Policy
2023 |
monetary policy, interest rate rules, DSGE |
181 |
Brian Fabo,
Martina Jancokova,
Elisabeth Kempf,
Lubos Pastor
Fifty Shades of QE: Robust Evidence
Monetary Policy
2023 |
Quantitative Easing, central banks, monetary policy |
182 |
Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Solving Linear DSGE Models with Bernoulli Iterations
2023 |
183 |
Balint Tatar
Has the Reaction Function of the European Central Bank Changed Over Time?
Monetary Policy
2023 |
ECB, monetary policy, reaction function |
184 |
Moritz Grebe,
Sinem Kandemir,
Peter Tillmann
Uncertainty about the War in Ukraine: Measurement and Effects on the German Business Cycle
2023 |
business cycles, AI, geopolitical risk |
185 |
Andrea Gubitz,
Karl-Heinz Tödter,
Gerhard Ziebarth
On the problem of inflation-related liquidity restrictions in real estate financing
Financial Stability,
Household Finance
2023 |
ECB, monetary policvy, interest rates |
187 |
Alexander Dück,
Anh H. Le
Transition Risk Uncertainty and Robust Optimal Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
2023 |
climate change, monetary policy, transition, uncertainty |
186 |
Gerhard Rösl,
Franz Seitz
Uncertainty, Politics, and Crises: The Case for Cash
2023 |
cash, banknotes, money |
188 |
Daniel Stempel,
Johannes Zahner
Whose Inflation Rates Matter Most? A DSGE Model and Machine Learning Approach to Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
Monetary Policy
2023 |
montary policy, inflation, DSGE, EMU |
189 |
Alexander Meyer-Gohde,
Mary Tzaawa-Krenzler
Sticky information and the Taylor principle
Monetary Policy
2023 |
DSGE, models, monetary policy, Taylor rule |
190 |
Athanasios Orphanides
The Forward Guidance Trap
Monetary Policy
2023 |
monetary policy, ECB, Fed, BoJ, forward guidance |
191 |
Anh H. Le
Climate Change and Carbon Policy: A Story of Optimal Green Macroprudential and Capital Flow Management
Financial Stability,
Monetary Policy
2023 |
climate change, macroprudential policy, DSGE, monetary policy |
192 |
Otmar Issing
On the Importance of Central Bank Watchers
Monetary Policy
2023 |
ECB, SNB, monetary policy, euro area |
193 |
Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Numerical Stability Analysis of Linear DSGE Models - Backward Errors, Forward Errors and Condition Numbers
2023 |
DSGE, models, MMB, Numerical accuracy |
194 |
Martin Baumgärtner,
Johannes Zahner
Whatever it takes to understand a central banker – Embedding their words using neural networks
Monetary Policy
2023 |
monetary policy, central bank communication |
195 |
Johannes Huber,
Alexander Meyer-Gohde,
Johanna Saecker
Solving Linear DSGE Models With Structure-Preserving Doubling Methods
2023 |
DSGE models, algorithm |
196 |
Rainer Haselmann,
Tobias Berg,
Thomas Kick,
Sebastian Schreiber
Unintended Consequences of QE: Real Estate Prices and Financial Stability
Financial Stability,
Monetary Policy
2023 |
QE, monetary policy, financial stability |
197 |
Tiziana Assenza,
Alberto Cardaci,
Michael Haliassos
Consumption and Account Balances in Crises: Have We Neglected Cognitive Load?
Household Finance
2023 |
financial behavior, financial literacy, saving, borrowing |
198 |
Lion Fischer,
Marc Steffen Rapp,
Johannes Zahner
Central banks sowing the seeds for a green financial sector? NGFS membership and market reactions
Monetary Policy
2024 |
199 |
Thomas Jost,
Reimund Mink
Central Bank Losses and Commercial Bank Profits - Unexpected and Unfair?
Monetary Policy
2024 |
central banks, monetary policy, quantitative easing |
200 |
Athanasios Orphanides
Enhancing resilience with natural growth targeting
Monetary Policy
2024 |
Federal Reserve, inflation, monetary policy |
201 |
Balint Tatar,
Volker Wieland
Taylor Rules and the Inflation Surge: The Case of the Fed
Monetary Policy
2024 |
inflation, Fed, monetary policy, Taylor rule |
202 |
Reimund Mink,
Karl-Heinz Tödter
Staatsverschuldung und Schuldenbremse (Public debt and the debt brake)
2024 |
Staatsverschuldung, Schuldenbremse, debt brake |
203 |
Gerhard Rösl
A present value concept for measuring welfare
2024 |
welfare, money, seigniorage |
204 |
Alina Tänzer
The Effectiveness of Central Bank Purchases of long-term Treasury Securities: A Neural Network Approach
Monetary Policy
2024 |
QE, monetary policy, neural networks, GDP |
205 |
Alina Tänzer
Multivariate Macroeconomic Forecasting: From DSGE and BVAR to Artificial Neural Networks
2024 |
inflation, macroeconomic forecasting, saving |
206 |
Jochen Güntner,
Magnus Reif,
Maik Wolters
Sudden Stop: Supply and Demand Shocks in the German Natural Gas Market
2024 |
energy crisis, VAR, natural gas |
207 |
Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Solving and analyzing DSGE models in the frequency domain
2024 |
208 |
Reimund Mink
Helmut Schlesinger: Wegbereiter und Garant der deutschen Geld- und Stabilitätspolitik wird 100
Monetary Policy
2024 |
Notenbanken, Geldpolitik, central banking, monetary policy |
209 |
Balint Tatar,
Volker Wieland
Policy Rules and the Inflation Surge: The Case of the ECB
Monetary Policy
2024 |
ECB, inflation, monetary policy |
210 |
Kamila Duraj,
Daniela Grunow,
Michael Haliassos,
Christine Laudenbach,
Stephan Siegel
Rethinking the Stock Market Participation Puzzle: A Qualitative Approach
Household Finance
2024 |
behavioral finance, financial literacy, household finance |
211 |
Michael Haliassos
Wealth Accumulation: The Role of Others
Household Finance
2024 |
household finance, wealth, retirement |
212 |
Matthias Rumpf,
Michael Haliassos,
Tetyana Kosyakova,
Thomas Otter
Do Financial Advisors Have Different Beliefs than Lay People?
Household Finance
2024 |
213 |
Athanasios Orphanides
The Federal Reserve's Evolving Interpretation and Implementation of Its Mandate
Monetary Policy
2024 |
Fed, central bank, monetary policy |
214 |
Michael D. Bauer,
Daniel Huber,
Eric Offner,
Marlene Renkel,
Ole Wilms
Corporate Green Pledges
2024 |
climate, climate finance |
215 |
Michael D. Bauer,
Eric Offner,
Glenn D. Rudebusch
Green Stocks and Monetary Policy Shocks: Evidence from Europe
2024 |
monetary transmission, carbon premium, ESG, climate finance |