IMFS Working Papers

No. Researcher Title Research Area Year Keywords
113 Mewael F. Tesfaselassie, Maik Wolters The Impact of Growth on Unemployment in a Low vs. a High Inflation Environment Macroeconomics 2017 growth, inflation, trend inflation, unemployment
111 Jinhyuk Yoo Capital Injection to Banks versus Debt Relief to Households Financial Markets 2017 DSGE, housing debt crisis, zero lower bound
110 Volker Wieland, Robert C. M. Beyer Instability, imprecision and inconsistent use of equilibrium real interest rate estimates Monetary Policy 2017 monetary policy, interest rates, equilibrium real interest rate, Federral Reserve, ECB
65 Helmut Siekmann Missachtung rechtlicher Vorgaben des AEUV durch die Mitgliedstaaten und die EZB in der Schuldenkrise Central Bank Law 2012 ECB, EZB, Eurosystem, Schuldenkrise, financial crisis
66 Volker Wieland, John B. Taylor Surprising Comparative Properties of Monetary Models: Results from a New Model Database Monetary Policy 2012 models, rules, US, Fed
68 Volker Wieland, John B. Taylor, John F. Cogan, Maik Wolters Fiscal Consolidation Strategy: An Update for the Budget Reform Proposal of March 2013 Fiscal Policy 2013 GDP, US, models
71 Helmut Siekmann, Volker Wieland The European Central Bank's Outright Monetary Transactions and the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2013 ECB, EZB, OMT, Federal Constitutional Court, Bundesverfassungsgericht, Inflation, Geldpolitik, monetary policy
73 Tobias Tröger The Single Supervisory Mechanism – Panacea or Quack Banking Regulation? Financial Regulation 2013 ECB, banks, SSM, supervision, EZB, Aufsicht, Banken
74 Volker Wieland, Tilman Bletzinger Estimating the European Central Bank's "Extended Period of Time" Monetary Policy 2013 ECB, EZB, Geldpolitik, inflation, forward, guidance
75 Athanasios Orphanides Is Monetary Policy Overburdened? Monetary Policy, Financial Stability 2013 Geldpolitik, Unabhängigkeit, Notenbanken, independence
76 Y. Emilie Yoo Financial Regulation and Supervision Across Business Lines in the United States - Financial Holding Companies post Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Financial Regulation 2013 supervision, Dodd, Frank, Gramm, Leach, Bliley
77 Helmut Siekmann Zur Offenlegung der Bezüge von Sparkassenführungskräften im Internet Financial Regulation 2014 Sparkassen, Banken, Aufsicht, Gehalt, Compliance
78 Michael Binder, Marcel Bluhm On the Conditional Effects of IMF Loan Program Participation on Output Growth Macroeconomics 2014 IMF, pooling
79 Athanasios Orphanides What Happened in Cyprus? The Economic Consequences of the Last Communist Government in Europe Monetary Policy 2014 Cyprus, euro area, crisis, sovereign debt, populism
80 Hermann Remsperger Der makroprudenzielle Komplex: der Prozess, das Schloss, das Urteil Financial Stability, Financial Regulation 2014 Banken, AFS, ESRB, SSM, Banken, Aufsicht, makroprudenziell
81 Volker Wieland, Maik Wolters Is there a threat of self-reinforcing deflation in the Euro area? A view through the lens of the Phillips curve Monetary Policy 2014 ECB, EZB, euro, Phillips, inflation, Japan
109 Helmut Siekmann Replacing or Supplementing the Euro in Member States whose Currency is the Euro Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2016 Euro, Eurozone, exit, Währungsunion, exit
108 Helmut Siekmann Restricting the Use of Cash in the European Monetary Union Central Bank Law 2016 Cash, Bargeld, Parallelwährung, ECB, EZB, Währungsunion
107 Volker Wieland, Elena Afanasyeva, Meguy Kuete, Jinhyuk Yoo New Methods for Macro-Financial Model Comparison and Policy Analysis Monetary Policy 2016 models, uncertainty, monetary, policy
106 Helmut Siekmann Konstruktionsfehler bei der Einlagensicherung auf EU-Ebene Financial Regulation 2016 Einlagensicherung, Bankenunion, Banken, banks, deposit, protection
105 Athanasios Orphanides Fiscal Implications of Central Bank Balance Sheet Policies Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2016 QE, ECB, EZB, Fed, Notenbankbilanz
104 Helmut Siekmann Preis- und Finanzstabilität: der Primat der Politik, der rechtliche Rahmen und das "ökonomische Gesetz" Financial Markets 2016 EZB, ECB, Menger, Mestmäcker, Preisstabilität, Inflation
103 John B. Taylor, Volker Wieland Finding the Equilibrium Real Interest Rate in a Fog of Policy Deviations Monetary Policy 2016 Gleichgewichtszinsen, Taylor, rule, Zinsregel, Geldpolitik
102 Tilman Bletzinger, Volker Wieland Forward guidance and "lower for longer": The case of the ECB Monetary Policy 2016 ECB, EZB, Taylor, rule, Draghi, Geldpolitik, QE
101 Helmut Siekmann Ziele, Aufgaben und Befugnisse des Europäischen Systems der Zentralbanken (ESZB) Central Bank Law 2016 EZB, ECB, Eurosystem, ESZB, Währungsunion, OMT, SMP, LTRO
100 Robert C. M. Beyer, Volker Wieland Schätzung des mittelfristigen Gleichgewichtszinses in den Vereinigten Staaten, Deutschland und dem Euro-Raum mit der Laubach-Williams-Methode Monetary Policy 2016 EZB, ECB, Nullzinspolitik, Taylor, Fed, Federal Reserve, USA, säkulare Stagnation
99 Helmut Siekmann Exit, Exclusion, and Parallel Currencies in the Euro Area Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law 2015 Euro, Währungsunion, Parallelwährung, Austritt, Eurozone, EZB, ECB
98 Helmut Siekmann Stellungnahme für die öffentliche Anhörung der Verfassungskommission des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Schuldenbremse Financial Regulation 2015 Schuldenbremse, Haushalt, debt, brake
96 Patrick Tuschl Rechtsgrundlagen für die Vereinbarkeit von Finanzhilfen für Kreditinstitute mit dem Beihilferecht der EU im Rahmen der Finanzmarktkrise Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law 2015 Banken, banks, Krise, crisis, Beihilfen
95 Athanasios Orphanides Fear of Liftoff: Uncertainty, Rules and Discreation in Monetary Policy Normalization Monetary Policy 2015 Fed, interest rate, Taylor, rule, Zinsregel
94 Bettina Brüggemann, Jinhyuk Yoo Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Increasing Taxes on Top Income Earners Financial Markets 2015 tax, income, tax rate, Steuern
93 Tobias Tröger Regulatory Influence on Market Conditions in the Banking Union Financial Regulation 2015 banks, Banken, Bankenunion, makroprudenziell, Bail-in
91 Florian Hoffmann, Roman Inderst, Marcus Opp Regulating Deferred Incentive Pay Financial Regulation 2015 banks, Banken, compliance, bonus, Gehalt
90 Helmut Siekmann The Legality of Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) of the European System of Central Banks Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2015 ECB, EZB, OMT, Geldpolitik, Mandat, Eurosystem, ELA, SMP
89 Helmut Siekmann The Legal Framework for the European System of Central Banks Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2015 EZB, ECB, Eurosystem, ESCB, Währungsunion, Preisstabilität, Mandat
88 Florian Deuflhard, Dimitris Georgarakos, Roman Inderst Financial Literacy and Savings Account Returns Financial Markets 2015 banks, savings
87 Falko Fecht, Roman Inderst, Sebastian Pfeil A Theory of the Boundaries of Banks with Implications For Financial Integration and Regulation Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Financial Markets 2015 banks, banking
85 Elena Afanasyeva, Jochen Güntner Lending Standards, Credit Booms and Monetary Policy Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2014 models, Keynesian, banks, credits, Banken, Kredite, Geldpolitik
84 Athanasios Orphanides Are Rules and Boundaries Sufficient to Limit Harmful Central Bank Discretion? Lessons from Europe Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2014 EZB, ECB, Cyprus, ELA, banks, Banken, crisis, Krise
83 Tobias Tröger How Special Are They? - Targeting Systemic Risk by Regulating Shadow Banking Financial Regulation 2014 Banken, Schattenbanken, shadow, banking, Aufsicht, Regulierung
82 Markus Behn, Rainer Haselmann, Vikrant Vig The Limits of Model-Based Regulation Financial Stability, Financial Regulation 2014 regulation, banks, Basel, Banken, Aufsicht, models, IRB, risk
114 Michael Binder, Jorge Quintana, Philipp Lieberknecht, Volker Wieland Model Uncertainty in Macroeconomics: On the Implications of Financial Frictions Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2017 models, uncertainty, DSGE, monetary policy, forecasting
63 Kirstin Hubrich, Massimiliano Marcellino, Günter Beck On the Importance of Sectoral and Regional Shocks for Price Setting Macroeconomics 2012 Disaggregated prices, euro area regional and sectoral inflation, common factor models
62 Maik Wolters, Volker Wieland Forecasting and Policy Making Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2012 Forecasting, monetary policy, fiscal policy, DSGE models, conditional forecasts, policy rules, expectations, business cycles, robust policy
61 John F. Cogan, Maik Wolters, Volker Wieland, John B. Taylor Fiscal Consolidation Strategy Macroeconomics 2012 John F. Cogan, John B. Taylor, Volker Wieland, Maik Wolters
60 Maik Wolters, Peter Tillmann The Changing Dynamics of US Inflation Persistence: A Quantile Regression Approach Monetary Policy 2014 inflation persistence, quantile regressions, structural breaks, unit root test, monetary policy, Federal Reserve
59 Maik Wolters Evaluating Point and Density Forecasts of DSGE Models Macroeconomics 2012 DSGE models, forecasting, model uncertainty, forecast combination, density forecasts, real-time data, Greenbook
58 Peter Tillmann Capital Inflows and Asset Prices: Evidence from Emerging Asia Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2012 Capital Inflows, House Prices, Monetary Policy, Sign Restrictions, Panel VAR
57 Athanasios Orphanides, Volker Wieland Complexity and Monetary Policy Monetary Policy, Macroeconomics 2012 Financial crisis, complexity, monetary policy, model uncertainty, robust simple rules, ECB.
55 Fabio Verona Lumpy Investment in Sticky Information General Equilibrium Macroeconomics 2012 sticky information, general equilibrium, lumpy investment, business cycle
54 Organizational Choices of Banks and the Effective Supervision of Transnational Financial Institutions Central Bank Law, Financial Regulation 2012 cross-border banking, micro-prudential supervision, consolidating supervision, banking union, subsidiaries, branches
53 Sebastian Schmidt Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy with a Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates Monetary Policy, Macroeconomics 2012 Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, Discretion, Commitment, Zero nominal interest rate bound, New Keynesian model
52 Sebastian Schmidt, Volker Wieland The New Keynesian Approach to Dynamic General Equilibrium Modeling: Models, Methods and Macroeconomic Policy Evaluation Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2012 Monetary macroeconomics, Keynesian models, New Keynesian models, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models, New Neoclassical synthesis, model comparison, rational expectations, policy evaluation, policy robustness, monetary and fiscal policy.
51 Vivien Lewis, Arnoud Stevens The Competition Effect in Business Cycles Macroeconomics 2012 Bayesian estimation, business cycles, competition, entry, markups
50 Vivien Lewis Optimal Monetary Policy and Firm Entry Monetary Policy 2012 entry; optimal monetary policy, sticky wages
46 Volker Wieland, Christos Koulovatianos Asset Pricing under Rational Learning about Rare Disasters Macroeconomics, Financial Markets 2011 beliefs, Bayesian learning, controlled diffusions and jump processes, learning about jumps, adaptive learning, rational learning
42 Streitschrift für eine grundlegende Neuordnung des Sparkassen- und Landesbankensektors in Deutschland Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Financial Markets 2011
40 Helmut Siekmann Die Entstehung des neuen Europäischen Finanzaufsichtssystems Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law 2010
39 Ludger Michael Migge Wirtschaftsjournalismus vs. Finanzanalyse? Zur ‚regulierten’ Selbstregulierung von Presse und Telemedien in der Finanzmarktberichterstattung nach §§ 34b Abs. 4 und 34c S. 6 des Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes Financial Markets 2010
38 Rettungsstrategie ohne Moral Hazard – Versuch eines Gesamtkonzepts zur Bankkrisenvermeidung Financial Stability, Financial Regulation 2010
37 Capital Adequacy Regulation of Financial Conglomerates in the European Union Financial Stability, Financial Regulation 2010
36 Roman Inderst, Marco Ottaviani Misselling through Agents Financial Markets 2009 Consumer Protection; Search; Learning; Information and Knowledge; Marketing; Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects
35 Roman Inderst Misselling (Financial) Products: The Limits for Internal Compliance Financial Markets 2009 Consumer Protection, Search; Learning; Information and Knowledge, Marketing, Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects
34 Financing a Portfolio of Projects Financial Markets 2009
33 Innovation, endogenous overinvestment, and incentive pay Financial Markets 2009
31 Roman Inderst, Holger Müller Bank capital structure and credit decisions Financial Markets 2009
29 Roman Inderst, Holger Müller CEO Replacement under Private Information Financial Markets 2009
28 Roman Inderst, Ufuk Otag, Hasan Doluca Banking Competition and Risk-Taking When Borrowers Care about Financial Prudence Financial Markets 2009
27 Roman Inderst Loan Origination under Soft- and Hard-Information Lending Institute Financial Markets 2009
26 Stabilisierung der WestLB AG durch Garantien des Landes NRW - Stellungnahme für die öffentliche Anhörung des Haushalts- und Finanzausschusses des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen am 29. Oktober 2009 Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law 2009
25 Helmut Siekmann Die Neuordnung der Finanzmarktaufsicht Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law 2009
24 Helmut Siekmann Die Schaffung von Einrichtungen der Finanzaufsicht auf EU-Ebene - Stellungnahme zu dem Vorschlag der Sachverständigengruppe unter dem Vorsitz von Jacques de Larosière Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law 2009
23 Melanie Döge, Stefan Jobst Aktienrecht zwischen börsen- und kapitalmarktorientiertem Ansatz Financial Regulation 2009
22 Tim Oliver Berg Cross-country evidence on the relation between equity prices and the current account Macroeconomics 2009 current account fluctuations, equity prices, panel vector autoregression
21 Stefan Gerlach The Risk of Deflation Monetary Policy 2009
20 Chun-Yu Ho, Wai-Yip Alex Ho On the Sustainability of Currency Boards: Evidence from Argentina and Hong Kong Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2009
19 Helmut Siekmann Stellungnahme für die öffentliche Anhörung des Ausschusses für Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Energie und des Haushalts- und Finanzausschusses des Landtags Nordrhein-Westfalen - Keine Hilfe für Banken ohne einen neuen Ordnungsrahmen für die Finanzmärkte Financial Stability, Financial Regulation 0
18 Choi-Hoi Hui, Hans Gender The credibility of The Link from the perspective of modern financial theory Financial Markets 2008
17 Helmut Siekmann Stellungnahme für die öffentliche Anhörung des Haushaltsausschusses zu dem Gesetzentwurf der Fraktion der SPD und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen für ein Gesetz zur Änderung der Hessischen Landeshaushaltsordnung Financial Regulation 2008
16 Katrin Assenmacher-Wesche, Stefan Gerlach Ensuring Financial Stability: Financial Structure and the Imapct of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2008 asset prices, monetary policy, panel VAR
15 Helmut Siekmann Föderalismuskommission II für eine zukunftsfähige Gestaltung der Finanzsysteme nutzen Financial Regulation 2008
13 Stefan Gerlach, Katrin Assenmacher-Wesche, Toshitaka Sekine Monetary Factors and Inflation in Japan Monetary Policy 2007 spectral regression, frequency domain, Phillips curve, quantity theory
12 Stefan Gerlach, Peter Kugler Deflation and Relative Prices: Evidence from Japan and Hong Kongo Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2007 inflation, deflation, menu costs, Hong Kong, Japan
11 Helmut Siekmann, Guntram B. Wolff, Joachim Wieland Symposium zur "Neuordnung der föderalen Finanzbeziehungen" Financial Stability, Financial Regulation 2007
10 Helmut Siekmann Die Spielbankabgabe und die Beteiligung der Gemeinden an ihrem Aufkommen – zugleich ein Beitrag zu den finanzverfassungsrechtlichen Ansprüchen der Gemeinden Financial Regulation 2007
8 Helmut Siekmann Der Anspruch auf Herstellung von Transparenz im Hinblick auf die Kosten und Folgekosten der Steinkohlesubventionierung und den Börsengang der RAG AG Financial Markets 2007
7 Joachim Wieland Staatsverschuldung als Herausforderung für die Finanzverfassung Financial Stability 2006
6 Holger Müller, Roman Inderst A Lender-Based Theory of Collateral Financial Stability, Financial Markets 2006 collateral; soft information; loan market competition; relationship lending
5 Roman Inderst, Felix Münnich, Holger Müller Financing a Portfolio of Projects Financial Markets 2006
4 Reinhard Schmidt, Aneta Hryckiewicz Financial Systems - Importance, Differences and Convergence Financial Markets 2006 financial sector, financial system, growth and development, convergence
3 Helmut Siekmann Die Verwendung des Gewinns der Europäischen Zentralbank und der Bundesbank Central Bank Law 2006
2 Helmut Siekmann Die Unabhängigkeit von EZB und Bundesbank nach geltendem Recht und dem Vertrag über eine Verfassung für Europa Central Bank Law 2006
1 Helmut Siekmann The Burden of an Ageing Society as a Public Debt Financial Stability 2006
9 Henry M. Ordower Demystifying Hedge Funds: A Design Primer Financial Markets 2007
32 Roman Inderst "Irresponsible lending" with a better informed lender Financial Markets 2009 lending, personal finance
30 Roman Inderst, Holger Müller Early-Stage Financing and Firm Growth in New Industries Financial Markets 2009 Venture capital; dynamic investment; product market competition
41 Helmut Siekmann Die Finanzmarktaufsicht in der Krise Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law 2010
43 Helmut Siekmann Die Bankenabgabe in Deutschland - ein geeignetes Instrument zur Prävention von Finanzkrisen? Financial Stability, Financial Regulation 2011
44 Jan Pieter Krahnen, Günther Merl, Helmut Siekmann, Heinz Hilgert On a Fundamental Reorganisation of the Landesbanks and Savings Banks Sector in Germany Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Financial Markets 2011
45 Helmut Siekmann Law and Economics of the Monetary Union Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law 2011
47 Helmut Siekmann Die Europäisierung der Finanzmarktaufsicht Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Central Bank Law 2011
48 Helmut Siekmann Die rechtliche Regulierung öffentlicher Banken in Deutschland Financial Regulation 2011
49 Tobias Cwik, Gernot J. Müller, Maik Wolters, Volker Wieland, Sebastian Schmidt A New Comparative Approach to Macroeconomic Modeling and Policy Analysis Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2012 Macroeconomic Models, Model Uncertainty, Policy Rules, Robustness, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Model Comparison
56 Inês Drumond, Manuel Martins, Fabio Verona (Un)anticipated Monetary Policy in a DSGE Model with a Shadow Banking System Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2012 DSGE model, shadow banking system, too low for too long, boom-bust
67 Volker Wieland, Otmar Issing Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy: Reflections on the Development over the last 150 Years Monetary Policy 2012 inflation, targeting, Taylor, rule, ECB
69 Tobias Tröger Konzernverantwortung in der aufsichtsunterworfenen Finanzbranche Financial Regulation 2013 Banken, Versicherungen, Aufsicht, Bankenaufsichtsrecht, Versicherungsaufsichtsrecht, Konzernrecht, Konzernverantwortung, Organisationspflichten, Compliance, Risikomanagement, Sicherstellungspflichten
70 Elena Afanasyeva Atypical Behavior of Credit: Evidence from a Monetary VAR Financial Markets 2013 credit, asset prices, Bayesian, VAR, forecasts
72 Matthias Burgert, Sebastian Schmidt Dealing with a Liquidity Trap when Government Debt Matters: Optimal Time-Consistent Monetary and Fiscal Policy Monetary Policy 2013 Keynesian model, interest rate, liquidity, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Deficit spending, , Zero, Keynesian, model
86 Markus Behn, Rainer Haselmann, Thomas Kick, Vikrant Vig The Political Economy of Bank Bailouts Financial Stability, Financial Regulation, Financial Markets 2015 banks, bailout, Banken, credit
92 Janis Skrastins, Vikrant Vig How Organizational Hierarchy Affects Information Production Financial Markets 2015 Hierarchies, Soft Information, Banks, Globalization, Complexity
97 José María Liberti, Amit Seru, Vikrant Vig Information, Credit, and Organization Financial Markets 2015 banks, Banken, Kredit
112 Gerhard Rösl, Franz Seitz, Karl-Heinz Tödter Doing away with cash? The welfare costs of abolishing cash Monetary Policy, Financial Regulation 2017 negative interest rates, deadweight loss, welfare costs, cash, zero lower bound
14 Guntram B. Wolff Schuldenanstieg und Haftungsausschluss im deutschen Föderalstaat: Zur Rolle des Moral Hazard Financial Stability 2007
115 Günter Beck, Volker Wieland How to Normalize Monetary Policy in the Euro Area Monetary Policy, Financial Stability, Financial Markets 2017 ECB, EZB, QE, Quantitative Easing, Forward Guidance, QE
116 Tobias Tröger Too Complex to Work - A Critical Assessment of the Bail-in Tool under the European Recovery and Resolution Regime Financial Regulation 2017 banking union, banks, precautionary recapitalization, insolvency, BRRD, MREL
117 Tobias Tröger Why MREL Won't Help Much Financial Regulation 2017 banking union, banks, MREL, TLAC, bank resolution, Financial Stability Boad
118 Gregor Böhl, Thomas Fischer Can Taxation Predict US Top-Wealth Share Dynamics? Macroeconomics 2017 Wealth, Inequality, capital tax, capital gains
119 Gregor Böhl Monetary Policy and Speculative Stock Markets Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2017 spillovers, stocks, stock prices, asset price targeting, financial markets
120 Helmut Siekmann The Warranty Obligation of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Deutsche Bundesbank and the European Central Bank Central Bank Law 2017 warranty obligation, liability, Bundesbank, ECB
121 Maik Wolters How the Baby Boomers' Retirement Wave Distorts Model-Based Output Gap Estimates Macroeconomics 2018 DSGE models, baby boomers, recession
123 Karl-Heinz Tödter, Gerhard Ziebarth Interest rates, effective prices, and the economic cost of life - A contribution to the construction of an intertemporal price index Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2018 Purchasing power of money, monetary policy, interest rates, present value prices, asset prices, effective inflation, cost of life index
122 Helmut Siekmann Legal Tender in the Euro Area Central Bank Law 2018 Currency, cash, coins, money
124 Athanasios Orphanides The Boundaries of Central Bank Independence: Lessons from Unconventional Times Monetary Policy 2018 central banks, monetary policy, inflation, interest rates, Bank of Japan, Geldpolitik
125 Alexander Meyer-Gohde, Daniel Neuhoff Generalized Exogenous Processes in DSGE: A Bayesian Approach Financial Markets 2018 DSGE, ARMA, Markov chain, Bayesian analysis
126 Felix Strobel The Government Spending Multiplier, Fiscal Stress and the Zero Lower Bound Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2018 interest rates, zero lower bound, government spending, mulitplier
127 Michael Haliassos, Yigitcan Karabulut, Thomas Jansson Financial Literacy Externalities Macroeconomics, Financial Markets 0 household finance, financial literacy
128 Christopher Roth, Johannes Wohlfart How Do Expectations About the Macroeconomy Affect Personal Expectations and Behavior? Macroeconomics 2018 expectation formation, aggregate uncertainty, macroeconomic conditions
129 Olga Goldfayn-Frank, Johannes Wohlfart How Do Consumers Adapt to a New Environment in their Economic Forecasting? Evidence from the German Reunification Household Finance, Macroeconomics 2018 inflation, macroeconomic experiences, expectation formation
130 Eduard Hofert Regulating Virtual Currencies Financial Regulation, Financial Markets 2019 regulation, Bitcoin, Ethereum, distributed ledger technology
131 Philipp Lieberknecht, Volker Wieland On the Macroeconomic and Fiscal Effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics 2019 tax reform, labor income taxes, GDP, TCJA, fiscal stimulus
132 Galina Potjagailo, Maik Wolters Global Financial Cycles since 1880 Financial Markets 2019 financial crisis, financial cycle, macrofinance, house prices, GDP, Great Depression
133 Josefine Quast, Maik Wolters Reliable Real-time Output Gap Estimates Based on a Modified Hamilton Filter Macroeconomics 2019 output gap, inflation forecasting, potential output, GDP
134 Helmut Siekmann The Asset Purchase Programmes of the ESCB - an interdisciplinary approach Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2019 ECB, monetary policy
135 Tiziana Assenza, Alberto Cardaci, Domenico Delli Gatti Perceived wealth, cognitive sophistication and behavioral inattention Household Finance 2019 wealth misperception
136 Luc Arrondel, Hector Calvo-Pardo, Chryssi Giannitsarou, Michael Haliassos Informative Social Interactions Household Finance 2019 financial literacy, stock market participation, portfolio choice, social interactions
137 Martin Kliem, Alexander Meyer-Gohde (Un)expected Monetary Policy Shocks and Term Premia Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2019 term structure, interest rates, transmission mechanism, DSGE
138 Francisco Gomes, Michael Haliassos, Tarun Ramadorai Household Finance Household Finance 2020 Household Finance, Financial Literacy, insurance, trading
139 Volker Wieland Verfahren zum Anleihekaufprogramm der EZB Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2020 ECB, monetary policy, PSPP
140 Helmut Siekmann, Volker Wieland The Ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court concerning the Public Sector Purchase Program: A Practical Way Forward Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2020 ECB, PSPP, QE, monetary policy
141 Karl-Heinz Tödter A SIRD Model for Infection Dynamics with Endogenous Treatment Capacity and Lessons for Corona Statistics Macroeconomics 2020 Modell, Corona
142 Gregor Böhl, Gavin Goy, Felix Strobel A Structural Investigation of Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy 2020 QE, Fed
143 Gregor Böhl, Felix Strobel U.S. Business Cycle Dynamics at the Zero Lower Bound Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2020 US, financial crisis, zero lower bound
144 Mátyás Farkas, Balint Tatar Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Macroeconomics 2020 DSGE Estimation, Bayesian Analysis, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
145 Lars P. Feld, Volker Wieland The German Federal Constitutional Court Ruling and the European Central Bank's Strategy Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2020 ECB, monetary policy, GFCC, court, QE
146 Robert C. M. Beyer, Lazar Milivojevic Dynamics and Synchronization of Global Equilibrium Interest Rates Monetary Policy 2021 equilibrium interest rates
147 Brian Fabo, Martina Jancokova, Elisabeth Kempf, Lubos Pastor Fifty Shades of QE: Conflicts of Interest in Economic Research Monetary Policy 2021 QE, inflation
148 Gregor Böhl Efficient Solution and Computation of Models with Occasionally Binding Constraints Macroeconomics 2021 zero lower bound, (ZLB)
149 Wolfgang Lechthaler, Mewael F. Tesfaselassie Endogenous Growth, Skill Obsolescence and Output Hysteresis in a New Keynesian Model with Unemployment Macroeconomics 2021 employment, unemployment, productivity
150 Gerhard Rösl, Franz Seitz Cash and Crises: No surprises by the virus 2021 cash, euro, banknotes
151 Thomas Jost, Franz Seitz Designing a European Monetary Fund: What role for the IMF? 2021 ESM, IMF, debt, euro area
152 Lazar Milivojevic, Balint Tatar Fixed exchange rate - a friend or foe of labor cost adjustments? Monetary Policy 2021 labor cost, exchange rate, DSGE
153 Gregor Böhl, Philipp Lieberknecht The Hockey Stick Phillips Curve and the Zero Lower Bound Monetary Policy 2021 Zero Lower Bound, Inflation, Disinflation
154 Alexander Meyer-Gohde On the Accuracy of Linear DSGE Solution Methods and the Consequences for Log-Normal Asset Pricing Financial Markets 2021 DSGE, Asset Pricing
155 Michael D. Bauer, Eric T. Swanson The Fed's Response to Economic News Explains the "Fed Information Effect" Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2021 Fed, monetary policy
156 Gregor Böhl, Cars Hommes Rational vs. Irrational Beliefs in a Complex World Macroeconomics 2021 DSGE
157 Yvan Lengwiler, Athanasios Orphanides Collateral Framework:Liquidity Premia and Multiple Equilibria Monetary Policy, Financial Regulation 2021 ECB, collaterals
158 Matthew Agarwala, Matt Burke, Patrycja Klusak, Moritz Kraemer, Kamiar Mohaddes Rising Temperatures, Falling Ratings: The Effect of Climate Change on Sovereign Creditworthiness Financial Markets 2021 climate, climate change, sovereign debt ratingx
159 Volker Wieland The decline in euro area inflation and the choice of policy strategy Monetary Policy 2021 ECB, inflation, HICP,
162 Magnus Reif, Mewael F. Tesfaselassie, Maik Wolters Technological Growth and Hours in the Long Run: Theory and Evidence Macroeconomics 2021 productivity, technology, technological growth
160 Natascha Hinterlang, Josef Hollmayr Classification of Monetary and Fiscal Dominance Regimes using Machine Learning Techniques Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2021 fiscal dominance, GDP, artificial intelligence, AI
161 Michael Haliassos, Thomas Jansson, Yigitcan Karabulut Wealth Inequality: Opportunity or Unfairness? Household Finance 2021 household finance, behavioral finance, wealth
163 Michael D. Bauer, Mikhail Chernov Interest Rate Skewness and Biased Beliefs Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2021
164 Thomas Jost, Karl-Heinz Tödter Reducing sovereign debt levels in the post-Covid Eurozone with a simple deficit rule Fiscal Policy 2021
165 Michael D. Bauer, Eric T. Swanson A Reassessment of Monetary Policy Surprises and High-Frequency Identification Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2022 Fed, monetary policy, FOMC
166 Eva Berger, Sylwia Bialek, Niklas Garnadt, Veronika Grimm, Lars Other, Leonard Salzmann, Monika Schnitzer, Achim Truger, Volker Wieland A potential sudden stop of energy imports from Russia: Effects on energy security and economic output in Germany and the EU Macroeconomics 2022 energy, Ukraine, Russia
167 Gerhard Rösl, Franz Seitz On the Stabilizing Role of Cash for Societies Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2022 cash, money, crises, stabilization
168 Lena Dräger, Michael J. Lamla, Damjan Pfajfar How to Limit the Spillover from an Inflation Surge to Inflation Expectations? Monetary Policy 2022 inflation, inflation expectations, deanchoring
169 Moritz Grebe, Peter Tillmann Household Expectations and Dissent Among Policymakers Household Finance, Monetary Policy 2022 inflation, inflation expectations, central bank communications
170 Jens Weidmann A new age of uncertainty? Implications for monetary policy Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2022 inflation, monetary policy
171 Veronika Grimm, Lukas Nöh, Volker Wieland Government bond rates and interest expenditures of large euro area member states: A scenario analysis Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Financial Markets 2022 ECB, monetary policy, financial markets
172 Helmut Siekmann Inflation, price stability, and monetary policy - on the legality of inflation targeting by the Eurosystem Monetary Policy, Central Bank Law 2022 monetary policy, Eurosystem, central bank law
173 Helmut Siekmann On the constitutionality of the budgeting of general reduced expenditures 2022 Haushalt, Bundesländer, globale Minderausgaben
174 Alexander Meyer-Gohde, Johanna Saecker Solving Linear DSGE Models With Newton Methods 2022 DSGE, models
175 Alexander Meyer-Gohde, Ekaterina Shabalina Estimation and Forecasting Using Mixed-Frequency DSGE Models 2022 DSGE, mathematical methods, forecasting
176 Michael D. Bauer, Carolin Pflueger, Adi Sunderam Perceptions about Monetary Policy Monetary Policy 2022 monetary policy, Fed, FOMC, interest rates
177 Gregor Böhl Ensemble MCMC Sampling for Robust Bayesian Inference 2022 DSGE
178 David Finck, Peter Tillmann The Macroeconomic Effects of Global Supply Chain Disruptions Macroeconomics 2023
179 Josefine Quast, Maik Wolters The Federal Reserve’s Output Gap: The Unreliability of Real-Time Reliability Tests Macroeconomics 2023 output gap, data
180 Alexander Dück, Fabio Verona Monetary policy rules. model uncertainty meets design limits Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy 2023 monetary policy, interest rate rules, DSGE
181 Brian Fabo, Martina Jancokova, Elisabeth Kempf, Lubos Pastor Fifty Shades of QE: Robust Evidence Monetary Policy 2023 Quantitative Easing, central banks, monetary policy
182 Alexander Meyer-Gohde Solving Linear DSGE Models with Bernoulli Iterations 2023 DSGE
183 Balint Tatar Has the Reaction Function of the European Central Bank Changed Over Time? Monetary Policy 2023 ECB, monetary policy, reaction function
184 Moritz Grebe, Sinem Kandemir, Peter Tillmann Uncertainty about the War in Ukraine: Measurement and Effects on the German Business Cycle Macroeconomics 2023 business cycles, AI, geopolitical risk
185 Andrea Gubitz, Karl-Heinz Tödter, Gerhard Ziebarth On the problem of inflation-related liquidity restrictions in real estate financing Financial Stability, Household Finance 2023 ECB, monetary policvy, interest rates
187 Alexander Dück, Anh H. Le Transition Risk Uncertainty and Robust Optimal Monetary Policy Monetary Policy 2023 climate change, monetary policy, transition, uncertainty
186 Gerhard Rösl, Franz Seitz Uncertainty, Politics, and Crises: The Case for Cash 2023 cash, banknotes, money
188 Daniel Stempel, Johannes Zahner Whose Inflation Rates Matter Most? A DSGE Model and Machine Learning Approach to Monetary Policy in the Euro Area Monetary Policy 2023 montary policy, inflation, DSGE, EMU
189 Alexander Meyer-Gohde, Mary Tzaawa-Krenzler Sticky information and the Taylor principle Monetary Policy 2023 DSGE, models, monetary policy, Taylor rule
190 Athanasios Orphanides The Forward Guidance Trap Monetary Policy 2023 monetary policy, ECB, Fed, BoJ, forward guidance
191 Anh H. Le Climate Change and Carbon Policy: A Story of Optimal Green Macroprudential and Capital Flow Management Financial Stability, Monetary Policy 2023 climate change, macroprudential policy, DSGE, monetary policy
192 Otmar Issing On the Importance of Central Bank Watchers Monetary Policy 2023 ECB, SNB, monetary policy, euro area
193 Alexander Meyer-Gohde Numerical Stability Analysis of Linear DSGE Models - Backward Errors, Forward Errors and Condition Numbers 2023 DSGE, models, MMB, Numerical accuracy
194 Martin Baumgärtner, Johannes Zahner Whatever it takes to understand a central banker – Embedding their words using neural networks Monetary Policy 2023 monetary policy, central bank communication
195 Johannes Huber, Alexander Meyer-Gohde, Johanna Saecker Solving Linear DSGE Models With Structure-Preserving Doubling Methods 2023 DSGE models, algorithm
196 Rainer Haselmann, Tobias Berg, Thomas Kick, Sebastian Schreiber Unintended Consequences of QE: Real Estate Prices and Financial Stability Financial Stability, Monetary Policy 2023 QE, monetary policy, financial stability
197 Tiziana Assenza, Alberto Cardaci, Michael Haliassos Consumption and Account Balances in Crises: Have We Neglected Cognitive Load? Household Finance 2023 financial behavior, financial literacy, saving, borrowing
198 Lion Fischer, Marc Steffen Rapp, Johannes Zahner Central banks sowing the seeds for a green financial sector? NGFS membership and market reactions Monetary Policy 2024
199 Thomas Jost, Reimund Mink Central Bank Losses and Commercial Bank Profits - Unexpected and Unfair? Monetary Policy 2024 central banks, monetary policy, quantitative easing
200 Athanasios Orphanides Enhancing resilience with natural growth targeting Monetary Policy 2024 Federal Reserve, inflation, monetary policy
201 Balint Tatar, Volker Wieland Taylor Rules and the Inflation Surge: The Case of the Fed Monetary Policy 2024 inflation, Fed, monetary policy, Taylor rule
202 Reimund Mink, Karl-Heinz Tödter Staatsverschuldung und Schuldenbremse (Public debt and the debt brake) Macroeconomics 2024 Staatsverschuldung, Schuldenbremse, debt brake
203 Gerhard Rösl A present value concept for measuring welfare Macroeconomics 2024 welfare, money, seigniorage
204 Alina Tänzer The Effectiveness of Central Bank Purchases of long-term Treasury Securities: A Neural Network Approach Monetary Policy 2024 QE, monetary policy, neural networks, GDP
205 Alina Tänzer Multivariate Macroeconomic Forecasting: From DSGE and BVAR to Artificial Neural Networks Macroeconomics 2024 inflation, macroeconomic forecasting, saving
206 Jochen Güntner, Magnus Reif, Maik Wolters Sudden Stop: Supply and Demand Shocks in the German Natural Gas Market Macroeconomics 2024 energy crisis, VAR, natural gas
207 Alexander Meyer-Gohde Solving and analyzing DSGE models in the frequency domain 2024 DSGE
208 Reimund Mink Helmut Schlesinger: Wegbereiter und Garant der deutschen Geld- und Stabilitätspolitik wird 100 Monetary Policy 2024 Notenbanken, Geldpolitik, central banking, monetary policy
209 Balint Tatar, Volker Wieland Policy Rules and the Inflation Surge: The Case of the ECB Monetary Policy 2024 ECB, inflation, monetary policy
210 Kamila Duraj, Daniela Grunow, Michael Haliassos, Christine Laudenbach, Stephan Siegel Rethinking the Stock Market Participation Puzzle: A Qualitative Approach Household Finance 2024 behavioral finance, financial literacy, household finance
211 Michael Haliassos Wealth Accumulation: The Role of Others Household Finance 2024 household finance, wealth, retirement
212 Matthias Rumpf, Michael Haliassos, Tetyana Kosyakova, Thomas Otter Do Financial Advisors Have Different Beliefs than Lay People? Household Finance 2024
213 Athanasios Orphanides The Federal Reserve's Evolving Interpretation and Implementation of Its Mandate Monetary Policy 2024 Fed, central bank, monetary policy
214 Michael D. Bauer, Daniel Huber, Eric Offner, Marlene Renkel, Ole Wilms Corporate Green Pledges 2024 climate, climate finance
215 Michael D. Bauer, Eric Offner, Glenn D. Rudebusch Green Stocks and Monetary Policy Shocks: Evidence from Europe 2024 monetary transmission, carbon premium, ESG, climate finance