Numerical Methods in Macroeconomics

In a continuously changing world with global financial, epidemiological and climate crises, new perspectives frequently call for new or improved methods. On October 22-23, our research workshop on "Numerical Methods in Macroeconomics" will bring together researchers with with keynote contributions by Prof. Harald Uhlig and Prof. Serguei Maliar.

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The legal foundations of the European Monetary Union

The English commentary on all 50 articles of the Statute of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the ECB published by Professor Helmut Siekmann and titled "The European Monetary Union - A Commentary on the Legal Foundations" explains the complete legal basis of the EMU.

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Does wealth inequality motivate or discourage?

In a guest article in the "Börsen-Zeitung," Prof. Michael Haliassos explains how people with higher education perceive wealth inequality as an opportunity and what options there might be to make it easier for the less educated to access financial products.

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