On June 13-14, 2019, researchers investigate the financial sector and financial crises in macroeconomic models and monetary, fiscal and regulatory policies at the Third Research Conference in Frankfurt. Quantitative macroeconomic models play an important role in informing policy makers about the consequences of monetary, fiscal and regulatory policies. The Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison Network (MMCN) is a research network under the auspices of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).
The MMCN provides a platform for researchers to compare existing models and present new models, as well as underlying solution and estimation methods.
Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago) and John B. Taylor (Stanford University) will give the keynote speeches. Special sessions at the 2019 conference will focus on "Assessing the effects of macroprudential policies and forecasting with macroeconomic models"
More information
Call for Papers (PDF)