Volker Wieland is worried about upheavals in the car sector due to coronavirus (Tagesspiegel, Reuters)

According to Prof. Volker Wieland, the crisis in China caused by the coronavirus is going to be a stress test for the German car sector, which is very much dependent on exports.

In an interview with the news agency Reuters Wieland said that the German carmakers produce many vehicles in China, not only those for the Chinese market. This could entail delivery problems.

However, in his view, the economic downturn due to the corona crisis is hard to assess. Wieland pointed out that the official Chinese growth figures were hard to deal with as it could not be ruled out that the government juggled the figures.

Der Tagesspiegel: "Warum Wirtschaftsexperten bei China im Nebel stochern"
Kleine Zeitung: "Coronavirus: Ökonom befürchtet Verwerfungen in der Autobranche"