Informationen zu B.Sc.

Leitfaden B.Sc.

Hier können Sie den Leitfaden für die Erstellung Ihrer Bachelorarbeit einsehen: PDF

Aktuelle Bachelorarbeitsthemen:

Bisherige Bachelorarbeitsthemen:
  • "On the Fragility of the Bitcoin Mining Protocol: A Game-Theoretic Analysis"
  • "Gender Identity Norms and Household Income - An Empirical and Gametheoretical Analysis"
  • "Quantitative Easing, and Long-Term Bond Yields: The Portfolio Balance Channel"
  • "ESG and Financial Performance: Evidence from Germany"
  • "Unconventional Monetary Policy, Wealth Inequality, and Portfolio Composition in the EU Area"
  • "The Solow Model and Comparative Economic Growth: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis"
  • "Factors of Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Technology Acceptance Model Assessment"
  • "The Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis: An Analysis in the Framework of the Diamond-Dybvig Model"
  • "Missing Inflation and Missing Disinflation? A Philips Curve Analysis of Inflation in the Euro Area After the Onset of the Financial Crisis"
  • "Oil, Military Spending, and Democracy: An Empirical Analysis of Iran from 1994-2018"
  • "Carbon Emission Allowance Prices in the EU ETS Phase III: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis"
  • "Convergence of and within Africa: A Neoclassical Perspective"
  • "The Effects of Changes in the Policy Rate: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Euro-Area"
  • "Monetary Policy Rules in an Estimated DSGE Model with Financial Frictions"
  • "Zinsparität und der Carry-Trade: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse"
  • "Government, Poverty and the Shadow Economy: A European Perspective"
  • "Die Schuldenkrise in Griechenland aus makroökonomischer Sicht: Eine theoretische Analyse"
  • "Happiness and Economic Growth"
  • "Quantitative Easing: An Unconventional Form of Monetary Policy. An OLS Comparison to its Effects on Nominal and Real GDP in the Euro Area versus Japan"
  • "The Economics of Advanced Market Commitments (AMC) and Their Effect on the Production and Supply of Vaccines. An Application to Pneumococcus Vaccines in the Developing World"
  • "Haushaltsplan Italiens vom November 2018: Ausgleich von länderspezifischen Schocks?"
  • "Model Analysis of the Effects of German fiscal Stimuli in the Aftermath of the Crisis in 2008"
  • "Die Schattenwirtschaft und der Arbeitsmarkt: Konsequenzen der Mindestlohnerhöhung Haitis 2009"
  • "Das RBC-Modell als ein Benchmark für die Erklärung der realen Entwicklung der USA"
  • "Die Geldpolitik der EZB und ihre Auswirkungen auf den deutschen Immobilienmartk - Eine empirische Analyse"
  • "Different Monetary Policy Rules from Different Countries: A Comparison of the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks in the New Keynesian Model"
  • "Bitcoin: A Theoretical Analysis of Equilibrium Pricing"
  • "The Effect of the Financial and European Debt Crises on ARIMA Estimates of the Euro-Dollar Exchange Rate"
  • "The German Labor Market Miracle: Development and Effectiveness of Short-Time Work as a Labor Market Policy Instrument"
  • "Short-Time Work and Its Impact on Economic Crises"
  • "The Role of TFP and the Business Cycle in Explaining the Cross-Section of Stock Returns"
  • "Growth and Poverty Reduction: Theory and Recent Empirical Results"
  • "The Poverty-Inequality-Growth Triangle and Poverty Alleviation Strategies. An Evaluation of Conditional Cash Transfers on the Example of Brazil and Tanzania"
  • "Zombie Lending and Fire Sales: A Theoretical Analysis"
  • "The Corporate Sector Purchase Programme of the European Central Bank: The Transmission Mechanism of Unconventional Monetary Policy"
  • "Interbank Lending in the European Financial Crisis: The Role of Center Clearing Parties"
  • "Oil Price Shocks, Monetary Policy, and Inflation: A Theoretical Analysis"
  • "The US-China Trade Conflict: A Game Theoretical Assessment"
  • "An International Comparison of the Circular Economy: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis"
  • „Greater Financial Engagement and its Impact on Growth:  The Case of Fintech in Latin America"
  • „Model Analysis of the Pay-As-You-Go Pension System in Times of Demographic Change: A German Perpective"
  • "The Euro Area Ascension of Bulgaria: Anew keynesian DSGE Analysis"
  • "An international comparison of the circular economy: a theoretical and empirical analysis“"
  • „The 2023/2022 Inflation Surge in the Euro Area: Theoretical and Emirical Forecasts"
  • „The Intergenerational Transmission of Culture and Social Attitudes and Their Effects on Female Labor Force Participation"
  • „Eine Untersuchung des Investitionsverhaltens bei der Nutzung von Neobrokern"
  • „Harmonizing Environmental Policy and Business Cycles: A Comparative DSGE Analysis of Europe and the US"
  • „Kreditkartennutzung und College-Studierende"
  • "Social Inequality and economic growth: a theoretical and empiricak analysis"
  • „Unlocking Growth? The Impact of FDI on Ethiopia's Economic Development in the Current Millennia"